Microsoft Azure Batch Makes Scalable Video Encoding in the Cloud Available at Right Price MINI-CASE STUDY "Working with Azure Batch means that we can encode hundreds of very large video files concurrently and efficiently." – Iolo Jones, CEO, TV Everywhere, owners of Vidcoding SITUATION TV Everywhere’s Vidcoding solution encodes video that works across a wide range of devices and platforms. The encoding process can be highly complex, and scaling this brings further challenges. The files are often large and require multiple processes to be applied for the various codecs, data rates and formats required. TV Everywhere needed a platform that could meet these challenges. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: TV Everywhere Ltd. - Vidcoding WEB SITE: LOCATION: London, UK ORG SIZE: 12 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: TV Everywhere helps organizations make the most of TV and video in the cloud through a range of platforms enabling video versioning, asset management, video and TV distribution and rights management. TV Everywhere leverages the Microsoft Azure cloud to provide its customers with high-scale, low-cost video encoding. Read about other Microsoft Azure ISVs SOLUTION Using the new Azure Batch facility, TV Everywhere's technical team developed an application layer that manages multiple processes simultaneously. TV Everywhere also utilizes Azure Web Apps and VMs. Azure Storage accommodates large files, while Azure Recovery Services keeps those files safe. Azure Cloud Services allows TV Everywhere to deploy and scale as needed. TV Everywhere also relies on Azure Load Balancer and Traffic Manager to easily handle surges in demand and the high availability Azure SQL Database provides for relational queries. BENEFITS Microsoft Azure enables TV Everywhere to provide low-cost video encoding in the cloud through Vidcoding. Azure’s scalability makes it possible for Vidcoding to handle large throughput of very large media files.