when something happened in the past . VERB TO BE - PAST The past tense of "to be" is used to join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the subject that happened in the past. We often use words such as "yesterday" or phrases such as "last week" or "last year“ to indicate when something happened in the past .
He was at a baseball game. Jack is very sad now. He was at a baseball game. The game wasn’t very good.
They were at a party last night. They are very tired now. They were at a party last night. They weren’t at home until 3 am.
It was fine! How was the test? Yes, I am. Are you happy with the result? Were you late for class this morning? No, I wasn’t.
It ____ Laura’s birthday today It ____ Laura’s birthday today. Last year she ____ 9, so now she ____ 10. is was is
There _____ eleven students in the class yesterday, but there _______ (neg.) any games during class. were weren’t
Phil and Juliet _____ very young when they got married Phil and Juliet _____ very young when they got married. She ____ only 19. were was
Today the weather ____ nice, but it ____ very windy yesterday. is was
Jack ____ very tired today, because he ____ at work until late last night. is was
“Where ______ you yesterday. ” “I ____ at work in the morning “Where ______ you yesterday?” “I ____ at work in the morning. Then, at night, Jennifer and I ______ at the movies.” were was were
“_____ the weather good when you _____ on vacation “_____ the weather good when you _____ on vacation?” “Yes, the weather ____ great! But the hotel _______ (neg.) very nice. Was were was wasn’t
were The students ______ at the Natural Museum yesterday. The field trip ____ great and the students _____ very excited! was were
I ____ hungry. Can I have a doughnut, please? am
were “Why _____ you so angry yesterday?” “I ____ upset because I got a bad grade on a test. All the tests _____ very hard.” was were
These sneakers _____ very nice! _____ they expensive? are These sneakers _____ very nice! _____ they expensive? Were
“ _____ you married?” “No, I _______ (neg.) married yet.” Are am not
Lilian Marchesoni – 2009 All rights reserved. Authored by Lilian Marchesoni – 2009 All rights reserved. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed without written permission, and may only be used for non-profit educational use. Using and Distributing this Template You are free to use this template in non-profit educational settings.