Ecological Systems Principles of Family & Human Services
Lesson Overview What is Bronfenbrenner’s Theory? What factors influence an individual’s development, behaviors and personality? Why is this important to the work of Human Services professionals?
Bronfenbrenner’s Theory of Ecological Systems What influences an individual’s development, behavior, and personality over their lifespan? Layers of ________________________ Views interactions of _______________with their environments as a system _________________, social, and physical aspects considered in context of the individual’s environment Environments: __________________l world _________________ realities Social/cultural background ____________/____ripple through all systems Brofenbrenner wanted to answer the question, “What influences an individual’s development, behavior, and personality over their lifespan?” The Theory he created is called Ecological Systems Theory The theory suggests that there are layers of influence on an individual’s development, behaviors, and personality over their lifespan It provides a way of looking at the interactions of humans with their environments and considering this relationship as a system. In total he suggested 5 systems. Rather than viewing an individual in a vacuum, Ecological Systems Theory recognizes that humans exist in a context and that biological, social, and physical aspects of the individual should be considered in the context of their environments. When you think about the term “environments” think about the wide variety of environments that individuals interact with. For example, you may first think of the natural world, or the physical surroundings of the individual. But there are other environments, like the reality we construct as humans (for example our nation and our state). And lastly what about the social and cultural background in which individuals exists? Many themes emerge specific to an individual’s social or cultural background. This includes income levels, religious or spiritual affiliations, and cultural identity. Brofenbrenner’s theory suggests that changes or conflict, such as economic depression, war, and environmental disasters, will ripple through all the systems. How does war impact individuals?
This slide shows Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model as it relates to Child Development. We will go into more detail about each of the systems, but for now notice how the systems radiate outward. Also, notice that the Mesosystem isn’t a distinct “layer,” but the interactions between two Microsystems.
___________ and__________ makeup The Individual Defined by: ____________ _____________ ___________ and__________ makeup The individual is defined by their: sex, age, biological, and genetic make up All other levels or systems directly or indirectly affect the individual at different times in their lifespan.
Microsystems Characterized by _______________ _______________ with close family members, friends, teachers _______________, negative influences or unhealthy relationships can have lasting effects on the _______________ Microsystems exist where the individual lives and maintains close interpersonal relationships, like immediate family members, friends, and teachers. These systems have an immediate and direct impact on the individual Examples—Family, Classroom (child), Workplace (adult), Religious Setting, Peer Group
Mesosystem ______________ between 2 microsystems What are some examples of interactions at this level? 1. 2. 3. The Mesosystem is characterized by the inter-relations between 2 microsystems For example, Family and Classroom, Classroom and Peer Group, Family and Religious Settings, and Religious Settings and Peer Group. An example of a Family-Classroom inter-relation would be a Parent-Teacher Meeting about a child’s academic performance. What are some examples of inter-relations you can think of for Classroom and Peer Group and Family and Religious Settings?
Exosystem ______________forces on an individual’s life that influence the individual Examples: ___________system, ____________ institutions, mass media, community, government services What other examples can you think of? 1. 2. The Exosystem indirectly affects the individual Examples include, mass media, legal services, school system, medical institutions, family member’s or spouse’s workplace, and government and government services An example of the exosystem’s influence on an individual would be, a parent’s workplace is causing stress, the child isn’t an active participant in the workplace, but can could be affected when the parent comes home stressed about work
Macrosystem ____________ in which the individual lives Evolves and _________over time Can you think of other examples? 1. 2. 3. The Macrosystem is the most outer part of the systems. The Macrosystem is essentially the cultural enivronment in which the individual lives and exists. Culture could include such things as political philosophy, economic patterns, social conditions, cultural values, national customs It evolves slowly over time compared to some of the immediate changes that may take place in the Microsystem Example; a biracial child may identify with the dominant culture while their parent identifies with the minority culture and this creates conflict
Chronosystem _____________________changes in the person or environment over time How do you think the following changes impacted individuals? The onset of ______________disease De-segregation of __________ in the South ____________ working outside the home The Chronosystem is composed of chronological changes in the person or environment over time Example; comparing individuals raised before, during, and after segregation and how the historical changes affected their development. Examples– more women working outside the home; effects of divorce on children over time
The theory in practice ________-in- Environment Evaluating situations and ______________ Simplifies the _______________ of human systems The person-in-environment perspective in social work is a practice-guiding principle that highlights the importance of understanding an individual and individual behavior in light of the environmental contexts in which that person lives and acts. An understanding of this theory allows us to more accurately assess individuals, families, and communities to determine their needs and anticipate the results of interventions. For example, if we want to do an FCCLA service project on childhood hunger, we can analyze the situation at the various system levels to design a project that’s likely going to be more effective. Unlike repairing an engine or fixing an air conditioning unit, improving the lives of humans is challenging work. Diagrams and models abound to help a technician understand engines and AC units. This theory tries it’s best to create such a model for human service workers better understand their client-customers.
Let’s Review Which system represents the inter-relations of 2 microsystems? Mass media and community would fall into which system? In which system is the individual directly involved with inter-personal relationships? Which system includes the chronological changes of the individual and culture over time? Which system includes the individual’s cultural environment? What does Person-in-Environment mean? Which system represents the inter-relations of 2 microsystems? ANSWER: Mesosystem Mass media and community would fall into which system? ANSWER: Exosystem In which system is the individual directly involved with inter-personal relationships? ANSWER: Microsystems Which system includes the chronological changes of the individual and culture over time? ANSWER: Chronosystem Which system includes the individual’s cultural environment? ANSWER: Macrosystem What does Person-in-Environment mean? ANSWER: The person-in-environment perspective in social work is a practice-guiding principle that highlights the importance of understanding an individual and individual behavior in light of the environmental contexts in which that person lives and acts.