Checkpoint - How Are You Doing? Biology 1B
Concepts To Learn Populations: Describe how some organisms are adapted to live in their habitat Describe how some plants and animals compete for resources Explain why some plants and animals are able to compete better for these resources than others
Concepts To Learn Variation and Genetic Engineering Evaluate the ethical concerns about cloning and genetically modified crops Describe how physical characteristics can be passed on to offspring through genes Explain the difference between Sexual and Asexual reproduction using examples Describe some techniques for cloning organisms Describe how genes can be transferred from one organism to another
Concepts To Learn Life On Earth: Evaluate some theories about how life began on Earth Describe Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection Explain why mutations are so important for Natural Selection Identify differences between different theories about Evolution Describe how a species may become extinct
Concepts To Learn Humans and The Environment Evaluate information about the effect humans are having on our planet Describe some of the effects humans are having on the planet Explain how scientists think Global Warming is happening Suggest ways of reducing the negative effects humans are having on the planet
Skills To Practice To Practice Completing questions in order of difficulty Reading and understanding diagrams Investigation Skills Variables, Fair Testing, Reliability and Accuracy Reading and using a graph Using calculations Spotting the difference between an opinion and a piece of evidence Thinking about why there are some questions Science cannot answer!