Subbottom Seismic Profiling Tim Patterson Nawaf Nasser SyQwest Stratabox Sub-bottom Profiler
Subbottom Seismic Stratigraphy 1962 to present Holocene lake sediments Proto-Great Slave Lake
Subbottom Seismic Stratigraphy
Glew Coring ~1990 ~1962 Nawaf Nasser
Glew Coring – Black Layer
Glew Core – Sedimentology
Thickness and Volume of Arsenic Contaminated Layer X = 23.3 cm thick Drafted by: D. Monita Volume All Layers 206,000 m3
Thickness and Volume of Contaminated Layer Range As (ppm) Average As (ppm) Mean Thickness Volume (m^3) All Layers 0.233 205972.00 Layer 1 100-500 264 0.0362 32000.80 Layer 2 500-1000 787 0.0188 16619.20 Layer 3 1000-1550 1370 0.0195 17238.00 Layer 4 482 0.0688 60819.20 Layer 5 255 0.0897 79294.80 Bins Range As (ppm) Volume (m^3) Bin 1 100-500 111295.60 Bin 2 500-1000 77438.40 Bin 3 1000-1550 17238.00 Total 205972 Land Area 884000
Thickness and Volume of Arsenic Contaminated Layers 1 2 3 3.6 cm 1.9 cm 2.0 cm 33,000 m3 16,900 m3 17,200 m3 100 to 500 ppm 500 to 1000 ppm 1000 to 1500 ppm Volume All Layers 206,000 m3 4 5 6.9 cm 9.0 cm 60,800 m3 79,300 m3 X = 23.3 cm 500 to 1000 ppm 100 to 500 ppm
Urban development has impacted water input and output from Frame Lake Urban runoff influenced Inlet Urban development has impacted water input and output from Frame Lake Causeway ~1975 Trailer Park Seepage
Recommendation 1 Up to 40 cm of allochtonous sediment Urban runoff influenced Inlet Up to 40 cm of allochtonous sediment In lake deposited over relatively short time Dredge material to return lake to early 20th century water depth and substrate type. Causeway ~1975 Trailer Park Seepage
Recommendation 2 Flow through lake too slow. Urban runoff influenced Inlet Flow through lake too slow. Permits build-up of nutrients in water column. Increase flow rate at sluice gate outline by causeway. Causeway ~1975 Trailer Park Seepage
Recommendation 3 Only true stream inlet in at SW corner of lake. Urban runoff influenced Inlet Only true stream inlet in at SW corner of lake. Permits nutrient laden water from suburban/urban area to enter lake. Construct Storm Water Management (SWM) Pond on site. Causeway ~1975 Trailer Park Seepage