Dissemination Working Group 23/24 November 2006
Virtual Network of dissemination for the ESS Two basic options: Network and tool for cooperation (internal view) Cooperative structure and tools for work on dissemination products (perception of users)
Objectives of Virtual Network ESS dissemination appears to users as well coordinated, interlinked activity Retain dissemination in respective area of competence not central structure User oriented tools Efficiency and effectiveness
Potential concepts and tools Right degree and mode of cooperation Tools from Internet 2.0 RSS Wiki Weblogs Web-APIs etc
Organisational conditions Potential single pilot and not too many projects Involvement of responsible units beside dissemination Widespread support, i.e. hierarchy Widespread attention
Potential cooperation areas (1) Common concepts and definitions Metadata sharing and cross referencing Methodological background information Information on dates for data release, publications, press releases, etc. Access to released data and publications (RSS)
Potential cooperation areas (2) Cross referencing of statistics Aligned search mechanism Common user support tools Common software tools
Thank you for your attention