Year 2
The KS1 SATs are due to be administered in May 2018. Unlike KS2 SATs, KS1 SATs don't have to be administered according to a nationally-set timetable in a specific week. Schools are free to manage the timetable and will aim to administer the tests in the classroom in a low-stress, low-key way; some children won't even be aware they've taken them!
Although the tests are set externally, they are marked internally by teachers within the school. It is important to remember that at KS1 teacher assessments are used to build up a picture of your child’s learning and achievement and the tests are used as part of this process. The end of year school report will contain information stating whether your child has achieved the standard required to be met at the end of KS1.
THE TESTS During May of Year 2, children will take assessments in: •Reading •English grammar, punctuation and spelling •Maths
WHAT ARE THE TESTS LIKE? The Key Stage 1 maths test will comprise two papers: •Paper 1: arithmetic, worth 25 marks •Paper 2: mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning, worth 35 marks, with a break if necessary. There will be a variety of question types: multiple choice, matching, true/false, constrained (e.g. completing a chart or table; drawing a shape) and less constrained (e.g. where children have to show or explain their method). •Children will not be able to use any tools such as calculators or number lines (but can use rulers).
Arithmetic Paper 1 examples
Arithmetic Paper 1 examples
Reasoning Paper 2 examples
Reasoning Paper 2 examples
READING •The Reading Test consists of two separate papers: •Paper 1 –Contains a selection of texts totalling between 400 and 700 words with questions about the text. •Paper 2 –Contains a reading booklet of a selection of passages totalling 800 to 1100 words. Children will write their answers to questions about the passage in a separate booklet. •Each paper is worth 50% of the marks and should take approximately 30 minutes to complete, although the children are not being assessed at working at speed so will not be strictly timed. •The texts will cover a range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. •Questions are designed to assess the comprehension and understanding of a child’s reading. •Some questions are multiple choice or selected response, others require short answers and some require an extended response or explanation.
Reading Paper 1
Reading Paper 2 examples
Reading Paper 2 examples
Reading Paper 2 examples
SPAG -SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR •The test consists of two different papers: •Paper 1 –spelling (20 marks) •Paper 2 –questions on punctuation and grammar (20 marks)
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Writing Assessment There is no formal writing test however a selection of pieces of your child’s writing will be assessed against a set of criteria to determine the standard they have met.
HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR CHILD AT HOME •Enjoy reading a variety of texts regularly together at home-discuss what they have read, can they answer questions by finding answers in the text and can they infer what an answer is. •Discuss and practise the spellings which are sent each week focusing especially on the common exception words. •Learning the times tables 2x, 5x and 10x for rapid recall. •Completing homework-it supports the learning done in class. Completing Mathletics, reading comprehension and Bug Club tasks.
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