Snapping turtles Monica Molina
Common vs alligator snapping turtle Common snapping turtle has a smooth shell. Alligator snapping turtle has a spiky shell.
What snapping turtles eat? Common snapping turtle –Snapping turtles are omnivores, so they like to eat both plants and animals. Alligator snapping turtle - The alligator snapping turtle is both a scavenger and an active hunter. It most actively forages for food during the night.
Common vs Alligator The common snapping turtle is noted for its combative disposition when out of the water with its powerful beak- like jaws, and highly mobile head and neck. common snapping turtles may lie beneath a muddy bottom with only their heads exposed, stretching their long necks to the surface for an occasional breath. The alligator snapping turtle is one of the heaviest freshwater turtles in the world. They can be immediately distinguished from the common snapping turtle by the three distinct rows of spikes and raised plates on the carapace, whereas the common snapping turtle has a smoother carapace.
Where do snapping turtles live ? Common snapping turtles -The alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, where it is generally found in the more southern waters of the United States Alligator snapping turtle -Southern Florida is the only place where both alligators and crocodiles live side by side. American alligators live in freshwater environments, such as ponds, marshes, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and swamps.
How big can a snapping turtle get ? Common snapping turtle –The Common Snapping Turtle is Virginia's largest turtle. It's top shell will grow to 18 inches long, and they can weigh up to 45 pounds. Alligator snapping turtle - Males average 26 inches 66 centimeters in shell length and weigh about 175 pounds 80 kilograms, although they have been known to exceed 220 pounds 100 kilograms.
How did the snapping turtle get its name ? Common snapping turtle– unlick other turtles they are unable to fully draw their legs and head into their shells. Evolution has given them strong jaws to protect themselves if threatened; hence the name “ snapping” turtle Alligator snapping turtle -Alligator snapping turtles are sometimes described as dinosaur-like because of their spiky shells and primitive-looking faces. They have three pointed ridges along their shells that run from head to tail.
Citations www.feps.eud www.biokids.umies.eud