A B Tumour 74 – Whole Genome Tumour 74 – Whole Genome C D Tumour 74 – Chromosome 8 Tumour 74 – Chromosome 8 E F Tumour 74 - Chromosome 17 Tumour 74 - Chromosome 17 Supplementary Figure 7 - Comparison between DNA extraction kits in generating DNA copy number data from autopsy tumor samples Tumor 74 was taken from an autopsy performed in 1974. DNA was extracted using both the Roche (A, C, E) and Qiagen (B, D, F) methods. Whole genome plots (A, B) and chromosome 8 (C, D) and chromosome 17 (E, F) plots are shown. Focal DNA amplifications at 8p11.22, 8q23, 8q24 and 17q12-q21 (arrows) were each detected with DNA extracted using the Qiagen but not the Roche method.