Becoming an Intentionally Intercultural Church
Session 5: Vision, Mission and Planning T R A E G I Z N Session 5: Vision, Mission and Planning
Planning is a Biblically Sound Activity R A E G I Z N It requires faith: it “hopes” in a “different” future for a people that, by God’s enabling, will be reached (Heb. 11:1). It is good stewardship: Scripture encourages us to use an investment “strategy” to do kingdom work for our master (Matt. 25:14-30). It is wise: “We should make plans—counting on God to direct us.” (Prov. 16:9, Living Bible)
Six Steps to Effectiveness R A E G I Z N Envision the future. Define your mission. Plan from the goal back to the present. Assess resources: who, what, how much. Implement the plan. Review the plan periodically and adjust it.
Envision the future S T R A E G I Z N Express a “dream” or a vision of the future. Paint a mental picture and describe it in words. Link it to a time in the future. Example: “Five years from now, we see a thriving youth group that includes thirty second/third generation Sikh-background youth who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ and are growing in their faith and testimony.”
Define Your Mission S T R A E G I Z N Define Your Mission What will you do to make your vision a reality? How will you accomplish this vision? Begin with a SWOT analysis.
SWOT Analysis S T R A E Analyze your “Strengths” and “Weaknesses.” G I Determine how to use your strengths and overcome weaknesses in the pursuit of your goal. Analyze your “Opportunities” and “Threats.” Opportunities include the possibility of addressing felt needs and circumstances God brings your way. Threats, real or imagined, should be dealt with through spiritual warfare and positive actions.
Example of Mission Statement R A E G I Z N “In order to reach Sikh youth and disciple them we will do the following: offer needs-based ministries to their community, including tutorial help with their children’s schoolwork. We will involve our young people in this ministry and train them to pray for their Sikh friends and be faithful witnesses. We will involve and support persons skilled in Sikh evangelism for training and advice. We will also organize an active, ongoing prayer ministry for this effort.”
Reverse Planning process T R A E G I Z N Reverse Planning process Focus on “how” you will achieve your vision. Begin with the end goal and work backwards year by year to the present. Specify your major objectives and activities year by year.
S T R A E G I Z N Year 5 Goal 30 disciples 1. Weekly discipleship meetings 2. Three outreach events planned and led by Sikh disciples 3. Outreach to parents of Sikh young people 4. Prayer chain Year 4 Goal 15 disciples 2. One outreach event planned and led by Sikh young people 4. Prayer chain Year 3 Goal 6 disciples 2. Weekly outreach to Sikh young people 3. Prayer chain Year 2 Goal 2 disciples 3. 60% of the congregation visits Sikh temple 4. Two Sikh evangelism-training events Year 1 Goal 1 disciple 1. Weekly outreach homework tutorials 2. 30% of the congregation visits Sikh temple 3. Two Sikh evangelism-training events S T R A E G I Z N
Assess and Allocate Resources G I Z N Evaluate “who” and “what” and “how much” you have to implement the plan. Determine expenses and budget adequately. Realistically assess the time needed to complete each phase. Cast yourself on the Lord for His provision and enabling.
Implement the Plan S T R A E G I Z N Build commitment for the plan in the whole congregation. Assign who will do what and when to carry out the plan. Stick to the plan.
Review and Adjust Is the plan working? What can we do to improve it? Z N Is the plan working? What can we do to improve it? Be faithful and stay the course. God rewards faithfulness
S T R A E G I Z N Conclusion Strategizing and planning are Biblically sound practices that exercise faith, good stewardship, and wisdom. Planning is a process involving several key steps that should be followed. The best of plans won’t work if they are not implemented. Prayerfully stay the course, making adjustments as needed.
Plan as if you could not pray and pray as if you could not plan! E G I Z N Plan as if you could not pray and pray as if you could not plan!