How do Muslims worship? Lesson Objectives: To know some of the features of Muslim worship, focussing particularly on Salah (prayer) To understand the symbolism involved in worship. To evaluate whether having set times and repeated routines for worship is helpful.
Which is the odd one out? There isn’t necessarily a straightforward answer...
How do Muslims worship? As we know, Muslims are required to pray five times a day. Salah can take place at home or in the Mosque (the Muslim place of worship) with others Prayers are performed in a very specific way, following a set structure. Prayers that are part of Salah are always performed in Arabic (the language of the Qur’an) However, Muslims may also say personal prayers to Allah (called du’a) which can be said in their own words and at any time.
Salah Around your diagram, make notes on the different things that take place. What do these actions symbolise?
Do you think it is helpful for religious believers to pray to God by using the same actions and words each time they pray? Whereas religions such as Islam have very specific ways of praying and worshipping Allah, other religions do not have a set way to pray. Write an answer to this question, making sure that you include arguments on both sides.
Both sides are equally right Do you think it is helpful for religious believers to always pray in the same way? Look at the numbers below. Write down where you are on the scale on your whiteboard and hold it up when you are done Be prepared to explain why you have chosen that number! No, definitely not! Both sides are equally right Yes, definitely!