Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage A Biblical Analysis Of An Important Subject Jeff Smith
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage General Introduction Kingdom of Christ = a spiritual domain Jn 18:36 Rom 14:17 It does exist in a physical realm Jn 17:15 1 Cor 5:10 Therefore, its citizens are involved in physical relationships Marriage is one such relationship
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage General Introduction God’s view of marriage ’ “honorable” Heb 13:4 cp. Acts 5:34 1 Pet 1:7 Society’s view of marriage ’ no respect cp. Ezra 9:6 Jer 6:15 Marriages not governed by God’s principles are sure to bring trouble, heartache…eternal consequences 1 Cor 7:1-5 Gal 5:19-21
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage General Introduction This is a subject that has become very “controversial” in the Lord’s church Not because it is controversial by nature Man has made it controversial by his own behavior, doctrines 2 Tim 4:3-4 2 Cor 13:5 2 Tim 2:14-19 1 Jn 4:1 This topic is also very emotional, “sensitive” Eph 5:17
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God The best place to start…esp. for the young When studying M/D/R, the most time should be spent in this area for marriages to be godly and all that God would have them to be
God’s 3 “Divine Institutions” The Home Gen 2 Matt 19:4,6 The Gov’t Gen 14 Rom 13:1-2 The Church Acts 2 Matt 16:18
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God The Home becomes the “training ground” for God’s other 2 “Divine institutions” Children learn to become good civil citizens Children should be taught about the greatest kingdom…the kingdom of God The purpose for marriage 3-fold reason given in the Scripture The legitimate means by which man procreates Gen 1:28
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God The Home becomes the “training ground” for God’s other 2 “Divine institutions” Children learn to become good civil citizens Children should be taught about the greatest kingdom…the kingdom of God The purpose for marriage 3-fold reason given in the Scripture The solution to man’s problem of loneliness and lack of “suitable” companionship Gen 2:18
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God The Home becomes the “training ground” for God’s other 2 “Divine institutions” Children learn to become good civil citizens Children should be taught about the greatest kingdom…the kingdom of God The purpose for marriage 3-fold reason given in the Scripture The legitimate place for man to satisfy his sexual appetite 1 Cor 7:2-5 Heb 13:4
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Man’s early problems Gen 2 God allowed Adam to fully experience his “loneliness” vv. 18-20 God provided the perfect solution vv. 21-22 cp. Isa 55:8-9 Adam’s “appreciative” reaction v. 23 Man’s responsibility to be successful in marriage v. 24 cp. 1 Cor 7:2-5 Jn 10:30 17:11 Jn 17:20-22 Mt 19:5 Eph 5:31
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Biblical definition of “family” Gen 2 “From the beginning…” Mt 19:4, 8 Current political & cultural attempts at “redefining” family goes against this teaching Powerful political homosexual lobby is enjoying much success Nonetheless, a “perversion” & an “abomination” cp. Jude 5-7 Rom 1:24-28 1 Cor 6:9-10
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Preparation for marriage Single most important thing to do before marrying A relationship this serious must not be entered into without appropriate preparation Good example to study ’ Gen 24:1-4 Abraham’s parental concern is valid Marrying “from among the Canaanites” seriously thwarts efforts at “being one” cp. Amos 3:3
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Preparation for marriage Question…is it sinful for a believer to marry an unbeliever? cp. 1 Cor 7:12-13 1 Pet 3:1-2, 5 The Scripture never condemns such a union However, Abraham’s concerns are valid…a believer marrying an unbeliever is extremely dangerous What meaningful goals, dreams, etc. do they share?
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Preparation for marriage Wisdom from Song of Solomon Love must be “aroused” or allowed to “waken”… this takes time 2:7 3:5 8:4 Children only know parental love until serious dating and courtship years Parents encourage their children to take their time in dating, don’t be in a hurry…such an important decision necessitates a slow pace
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Preparation for marriage Wisdom from Song of Solomon Parents must also train their children during their years at home 8:2 Children must be schooled in the importance of guarding and protecting their reputation 8:8-9
Parapet The Alamo San Antonio, TX
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Regulations for marriage Eph 5 All relationships have “roles”…all roles important For marriage to be successful, each partner must play his/her role Man – head v. 23 cp. 1 Cor 11:3 1 Tim 2:12-13 Love = agape (sacrificial without regard to it being returned) v. 25a cp. Jn 3:16 Rom 5:8 He is not free to “dominate” Gal 3:28 1 Pet 3:7a His failures can hamper him 1 Pet 3:7b
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Regulations for marriage Eph 5 His wife becomes all she should through his sacrificing for her vv. 25b-27 Woman – submissive follower v. 22 cp. Col 3:18 Love = phileo (emotional attachment; tender affection) Titus 2:4 cp. Mt 10:37 Jn 11:36 Respect for her husband is shown v. 33b She is not inferior Gal 3:28 1 Pet 3:7
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Marriage – Love Designed By God Regulations for marriage Eph 5 Submission is not to be viewed as a consequence for first sin Gen 3:16 cp. 1 Tim 2:12-13
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Someone has failed when a divorce occurs “Treacherous treatment” of a spouse; a “violation of a special covenant” Mal 2:13-14 Something God hates Mal 2:16 Therefore, the rule… A behavioral tendency in man God has always had to try to regulate NO DIVORCE
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Man’s behavioral tendency As taught by Moses Deut 24:1-4 Hebrews were divorcing wives at will A divorced woman could not return to 1st husband after 2nd husband either divorced her or died Implication – her subsequent marriage after her 1st divorce was what made her defiled
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Man’s behavioral tendency As taught by Jesus Mt 19:3-9 Jews were divorcing “for any cause” They saw Moses’ words in Deut 24 as “command” Jesus points back “to the beginning” vv. 4, 8 The only exception to the NO DIVORCE rule is if one spouse is guilty of fornication or adultery (marital unfaithfulness) v. 9a
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Man’s behavioral tendency As taught by Jesus Mt 19:3-9 If marital unfaithfulness has occurred, the innocent spouse can divorce without sin, and he/she can also remarry without committing adultery Divorce for any other cause results in adultery when remarriage occurs v. 9b cp. 5:32a
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Man’s behavioral tendency As taught by an apostle 1 Cor 7:10-15 The Lord’s command v. 10 If divorce occurs anyway, the non-divorcing spouse must remain unmarried so that eventual reconciliation can take place v. 11 If no reconciliation ever happens, non-divorcing spouse must remain celibate…a “eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake” cp. Mt 19:12 NO DIVORCE
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Man’s behavioral tendency As taught by an apostle 1 Cor 7:10-15 If marriage is with an unbeliever…and if the unbeliever “departs” (divorces), the believing spouse must “let him/her go” vv. 12-15 Discipleship to Christ must never be compromised in order to save a marriage cp. Mt 10:37
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure It is important the order of events in a divorce follow the Biblical allowance Example ’ Salvation Mk 16:16 BELIEF + BAPTISM = SALVATION Example ’ Divorce Mt 19:9 FORNICATION + DIVORCE = NO SIN
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure It is important the order of events in a divorce follow the Biblical allowance Example ’ Salvation Mk 16:16 BELIEF + BAPTISM = SALVATION Example ’ Divorce Mt 19:9 FORNICATION + DIVORCE + REMARRIAGE = NO SIN
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure Necessary to understand this because men are always inventing doctrines for one reason or another cp. Eph 4:11-16 One such doctrine is “Mental Divorce”
Illustrating “Mental Divorce” BOUND Rom 7:2 Married Jill Jack Divorce (Unlawful)
Illustrating “Mental Divorce” Jack Jill Susan Fornicates
Illustrating “Mental Divorce” Married Not valid according to Mt 19 Jack’s divorce of Jill was not for fornication Ted Married Jill Jack Susan Put Jack away Divorce
Illustrating “Mental Divorce” Married Also, the Scripture is silent about a “second” divorce (putting away) that Jill would be doing. Ted Jill Married Jack Susan Put Jack away Divorce
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Divorce – A Testament To Failure The errors of doctrines like “Mental Divorce” emphasize how serious one’s choice is re: who to marry So many problems and heartaches can be avoided if careful preparation and selection of who to date and choice of a mate is made before marriage Choose someone who shares your goals!!
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Remarriage – An Option For Some…Not All God’s original plan re: marriage did not contain a provision for remarriage Nevertheless, His word does give instruction re: potential remarriages Yet, not all whose 1st marriages ended are candidates for remarriage The Lord grants remarriage privileges to 2 groups of people
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Remarriage – An Option For Some…Not All Who can remarry? One whose 1st mate is dead Rom 7:2-3 One whose 1st mate was unfaithful and who was scripturally divorced Mt 19:9a The primary concern the Lord addresses when one remarries is that he/she not commit adultery cp. 1 Cor 6:9-10 Gal 5:19-21
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Remarriage – An Option For Some…Not All Even though the courts & men’s opinions “legitimize” divorce for any reason, a subsequent remarriage will be adulterous if the original divorce was not for fornication cp. Mt 19:9a Mk 10:11-12 Lk 16:18a A third party also becomes guilty of adultery when he/she marries someone previously divorced for reasons other than fornication cp. Mt 5:32b 19:9b Lk 16:18b
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Remarriage – An Option For Some…Not All An important point to remember…one that “overrides” all this marital activity There is a difference between “the marriage” and “the bond” Rom 7:2-3 God does the “binding”…man does the “marrying” Mt 19:6 Just because two people are “married” does not mean they are “bound together” by God’s marriage law
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Remarriage – An Option For Some…Not All An important point to remember…one that “overrides” all this marital activity There is a difference between “the marriage” and “the bond” Rom 7:2-3 God does the “binding”…man does the “marrying” Mt 19:6 In fact…one can be “bound” to one while being married to another at the same time This is why adultery takes place
Mk 6:17-18 BOUND Rom 7:2 Married Divorce Philip Herodias AGREEMENT
Mk 6:17-18 Married Bound Gen 2:24; Mt 19:5-6 Herodias Philip Herod What results is that Herodias is married to Herod while still being bound to Philip (Rom 7:3). This is adultery…it is not lawful.
Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage Conclusion Becoming a disciple of Jesus = life’s most important decision Choosing whom to marry = the 2nd most important decision Gen 2:18 Suitable companionship brings joy…is serious Respect for this “honorable” institution based upon adherence to God’s word is the only way to have a successful marriage
We begin at 1:30 p. m. Be on time We begin at 1:30 p.m. Be on time!! This will be an ‘active’ session—bring your pencil.
Lunch is being provided by several members from Eastside. Car pool Park on left side of street BE CAREFUL crossing street