Summary of the “Fecal Worm Egg Count Reduction” Trials in Merck Animal Health National Data Base 2018 Donald H. Bliss1 Robert D. Moore2 William G. Kvasnicka3 1MidAmerica Ag Research, Verona, WI 2College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources, University of Nevada 3University of Nevada, Professor Emeritus
Protocol for Fecal Worm Egg Count Reduction Test (FECRT) All clinics agreed to use a standard protocol: 20 samples taken at the time of treatment. 20 samples taken 14-days after treatment. Pre-/post-treatment samples sent to same lab: ● Treatment not revealed until test completed. ● Modified WI Sugar Flotation Technique (Eggs/3 g). ● Results sent to participating clinic and entered in Merck Animal Health National Database.
Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Results (All Trials-2018) 250+ Participating Vet Clinics. 24+ States Represented. 721 Trials Completed. 24,186 Samples Analyzed. 12,171 Pre-treatment Samples. 12,015 Post-treatment Samples.
Table 1: Efficacy Summary for Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Conducted with Macrocyclic Lactone Endecticide Pour-On Products (2009-2018). _________________________________________________________________ No. of No. of Egg Counts/3g* Percent Products Trials Samples Pre-Rx Post-Rx Efficacy(%) Pour-ons: Ivomec® PO 8 313 33.7 26.7 20.8% Ivermectin PO 29 1,284 67.5 36.6 45.9% Dectomax® PO 11 474 53.3 18.1 66.0% Cydectin® PO 12 517 55.4 15.4 72.2% Eprinex® PO 3 144 49.3 38.0 22.9% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO Summary 63 2,732 57.6 28.1 51.0% _________________________________________________________________ *All samples taken at Rx and again 14-days post-Rx.
No. of No. of Egg Counts/3g* Percent Table 2: Efficacy Summary for Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Conducted with Injectable Macrocylic Lactone Endecticide Products (2009-2018). __________________________________________________________________________________ No. of No. of Egg Counts/3g* Percent Products Trials Samples Pre-Rx Post-Rx Efficacy Injections: Ivomec® Inj. 16 988 64.9 35.8 44.8% Ivomec® Plus 22 900 101.4 54.1 46.6% Dectomax® Inj. 27 1,161 75.9 16.7 78.0% Cydectin Inj. 7 311 36.0 5.9 83.6% Ivermectin Inj. 10 506 90.7 55.0 39.4% LongRange 14 563 48.6 17.5 64.0% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inj. Summary: 96 4,429 74.6 31.8 57.4% _____________________________________________________________ *All samples taken at Rx and again 14-days post-Rx.
Table 3: Efficacy Summary for Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Conducted with Various Safe-Guard® & Panacur® Formulations (2018). ______________________________________________________________________________________ No of No of Egg Counts/3g* Percent Products Trials Samples Pre-Rx Post-Rx Efficacy Panacur® Drench 32 1,296 59.3 0.7 98.8% SG Drench/Paste 71 2,979 65.0 0.8 98.7% Summary-Drench 103 4,275 63.2 0.8 98.7% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SG Feed 25 1,297 45.6 0.1 99.7% SG 1.96% 19 803 38.6 0.7 98.1% SG Mineral 8 306 36.6 1.5 95.9% Liquid Feed/cubes blocks/Paste 20 835 38.1 1.6 95.8% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overall Summary 175 7,516 53.9 0.7** 98.7% ________________________________________________________________ All samples taken at Rx and again 14-days post-Rx ** Note: Coccidia prevalence was reduced by 56.5%.
Table 4: Efficacy Summary for Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Conducted with Safe-Guard®/Panacur® in Combination with Various Endecticide Formulations (2018). _____________________________________________________________________________________ Combination No of No of Egg Counts/3g Percent Product Trials Samples Pre-Rx Post-Rx Efficacy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Safe-Guard® or Panacur ® plus: Ivomec® Inj./plus/PO 21 805 79.4 0.4 99.4% Ivermectin PO/Inj. 34 1,424 81.3 1.1 98.6% Dectomax® Inj./PO 7 223 83.4 0.1 99.8% Cydectin PO 8 320 40.0 0.2 98.6% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Combination 70 2,772 76.2 0.7* 99.1% Summary _______________________________________________________ Note: Coccidia prevalence was reduced by 76.9%
Table 5: Efficacy Summary for Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test Conducted for all Products (2009-2018). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Number of Egg Counts/3g** Percent Products Trials Samples Pre-Rx Post-Rx Efficacy(%) Endecticide Injectable: 96 4,429 74.6 31.8 57.4% Pour-On: 63 2,732 57.6 28.1 51.0% Safe-Guard® /Panacur® 175 7,516 53.9 0.7 98.7% Combination Treatment*** 70 2,772 76.2 0.7 99.1% ______________________________________________________________________ *All samples taken at Rx and 14-days post-Rx. ** Safe-Guard® plus an Endecticide.
Table 6: Comparison of FECRT Efficacy for ML Pour-Ons 2008(AABP) vs Products No. of Trials Percent No. of Trials Percent Efficacy 2008 Efficacy 2009-2015 Efficacy Change --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivomec® 8 72.3% 8 20.8% - 51.5% Ivermectin 35 59.7% 29 45.9% - 13.8% Dectomax® 8 78.9% 11 66.0% - 12.9% Cydectin® 9 67.2% 12 72.2% + 5.0% Eprinex® 0 3 22.9% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary 60 66.1% 63 51.0% - 15.1% Updated 2018
Table 7: Comparison of FECRT Efficacy ML Injectables: 2008(AABP) vs Products No. of Trials Percent No. of Trials Percent Efficacy 2008 Efficacy 2009-2015 Efficacy Change ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivomec® Inj. 6 76.2% 16 44.8% - 31.4% Ivomec® Plus 6 42.6% 22 46.6% + 4.3% Ivermectin Inj. 1 50.0% 10 41.4% - 8.6% Dectomax® 11 90.5% 27 76.3% - 14.2% Cydectin® 2 98.1% 7 83.6% -14.5% LongRange --- ------- 14 64.0% ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary 26 72.5% 96 57.4% -15.1%