Random Fact of the Day The estimated dollar value of volunteer time is $20.25 per hour.
Chapter 5, Section 1 The Duties and Responsibilities of Citizenship
Main Idea: It is a privilege to be a U.S citizen. With it, there are certain rights and responsibilities.
I. A Citizen’s Legal Duties ***Each of us belongs to many communities. As community members we have responsibilities and duties.*** A. Responsibilities- Things we SHOULD DO (Voluntary) B. Duties- Things we are required to do. ***Must do these or you could face punishment from the government!!!***
C. 5 Duties: Obey the law- ***They help us get along, prevent accidents, keep us safe.*** 2. Pay Taxes- ***Used for police, roads, military, other activities.*** ***People pay income, property, sales taxes***
***Last U.S. military draft was Vietnam*** 3. Defend the nation- ***All men 18-25 must register with the selective service system.*** - Draft- Call up men for military service ***Last U.S. military draft was Vietnam*** 4. Serve in Court- ***Must be prepared to serve on jury duty. (Have to be registered to vote)***
5. Attend School- ***Most states require until age 16***
II. Civic Responsibilities 1. Be informed. ***Know what the government is doing so you can voice your opinion! ***News, radio, TV, internet. Know your rights!*** 2. Speak up and vote- ***Government is here to serve you. Call, write e-mails, and vote. Join a political party.**
3. Respect Others’ Rights- 3. Respect Others’ Rights- ***Respect all, respect public and personal property.******Vandalism/Littering is disrespectful AND are crimes!*** 4. Respect Diversity- ***You may disagree with someone or disapprove of their lifestyle, but they have equal rights too*** Tolerance- respecting and accepting others, regardless of beliefs
5. Contribute to the Common Good- 5. Contribute to the Common Good- ***Contribute time, effort, and money to help others and improve your local community***
Mini Quiz!!! “Don’t Worry Be Happy!” 1. What is the difference between a duty and a responsibility? 2. When was our last military draft? 3. “Respecting and accepting others regardless of their beliefs” is what? 4. Give two examples of contributing to the common good… 5. In most states, you have to go to school until what age?