Back to School Night Mr. Ferrell
About me 2nd year teaching 3rd grade 2nd year at PBES 6th year working in schools William and Mary Masters from George Mason Recently had my first child
About Me Bridget Ferrell New baby girl born right before school started
Positive Behavior Intervention (PBIS) Teaching behavior as a school subject Consistent expectations throughout the school Reflection Sheets Brag Tags Student of the Week and Month
Student of the Week/Month Student of the week chosen each Friday for the next week. Poster taken home to complete Everyone will have a chance Student of the month based on behavior, effort, and citizenship. Not every student will be a student of the month
Brag Tags School wide Can be earned all around the school. Brag tags for many different reasons. Check out what your children have earned so far!
Class Dojo Students earn points for positive behavior and lose points for negative behaviors. Earn brag tags and prizes for reaching goals. Use the information and code to connect at home.
Class Webpage PBES homepage Important Announcements Class Links Class Pages 3rd Grade Justin Ferrell Important Announcements Class Links
Snack Snack each afternoon between 1:30-2:00. Students will continue to work on language arts at this time. Nut Allergies Peanuts allowed in lunches and snacks Snacks for the entire class need to be NUT FREE
Birthdays No healthy alternative forms this year. Birthday snacks need to be brought in during lunch Passed out by parent or student NUT FREE If your child would like to celebrate with extra recess INSTEAD of lunch treat, please contact me.
Homework PWCS Regulation- 30-50 minutes each night Read each night Continue to practice math facts Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division ABC Journal
Grading Scale A = 90-100 B+ = 87-89 B = 80-86 C+ = 77-80 C = 70-77 Grading scale changes in third grade. A = 90-100 B+ = 87-89 B = 80-86 C+ = 77-80 C = 70-77 D+ = 67-69 D = 60-67 F = 0-59
Math UPSC Math rotations with centers and games Prince William Problem solving method Understand, Plan, Solve, Check Math rotations with centers and games Small group instruction State objectives link on class webpage
Language Arts Interactive read aloud lessons Each day students will Read to self, listen to reading, write, and work on learning spelling patterns Small group instruction based on student’s needs State objectives link on class webpage
Testing CogAT and Naglieri SOLs Begin around May Around November Prepare a couple days leading up to the test SOLs Begin around May Math and Reading Both split over 2 days Preparing all year
Sign Up Sheets Conference Sheet Volunteers Parent Contact
Contact Information Lisa Hobson- Extension- 5044 Questions?