September 2011 Public Open Houses Welcome to the open house for OKI’s 2040 Regional Transportation Plan Update – Moving the Region Forward. OKI greatly appreciates you taking the time to attend this event. This presentation is intended to provide you with a brief orientation.
So, what is O…K…I? OKI is the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments – we are a council of local governments, business organizations and community groups committed to developing collaborative strategies, plans and programs to improve the quality of life and economic development potential of our 8 county, tri-State region. (LETTERS OR LOGOS) OKI works with our partners O…D…O…T….the Ohio Department of Transportation I…N…D…O…T….the Indiana Department of Transportation K…Y…T…C…..the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet F…H…W…A….the Federal Highway Administration F…T…A….the Federal Transit Administration And most importantly, Y…O…U……YOU, the public, to discuss our regional transportation needs and create solutions.
You may have HEARD about OKI,… …our involvement in transportation studies, regional collaborations, clean air programs… You may have even PARTICIPATED in some of these studies… As you can see, OKI is an active partner in the transportation planning for our region.
Our Intent What is the OKI 2030 Regional Transportation Plan Update? What are the transportation planning assumptions? Our intent with this Open House is: to explain what the OKI Regional Transportation Plan Update is and to present transportation planning assumptions based on what we know today to be true and what we best expect to occur in the future. Let’s start at the beginning….
Purpose Address needs Meet requirements Balance needs with funding Put most simply, the Plan Update’s purpose is to set the course for how the region will address transportation needs. While accomplishing this goal, the Plan Update must also: Meet Federal planning requirements And balance transportation needs with the ability to fund them.
Background Necessary for federal funds Update every four years Minimum 20-year horizon Financial, environmental conformity Multi-modal Safe and efficient movement Can be amended The OKI 2040 Regional Transportation Plan is a “big deal“ because… it also enables transportation projects in our communities to qualify for federal funds. You see, all projects using federal funds must be included in the Plan. For this reason, we have some Federal guidelines to follow: The Plan is required to be updated every 4 years. It must look forward at least 20-years. It must meet fiscal and air quality conformity requirements The Plan must be multi-modal – meaning it must include all forms of transportation such as cars, trucks, bicycles, pedestrians and mass transit. The Plan also seeks to provide safe and efficient movement of people and goods And it can be amended as needed.
Goals & Objectives Economic Vitality Safety Mobility Environment Connectivity Efficiency Preservation Security Infrastructure/Land Use Connection The Goals and Objectives of the Plan Update are to: Support ECONOMIC VITALITY Improve SAFETY Increase accessibility and MOBILITY options Protect and enhance the ENVIRONMENT Augment the integration and CONNECTIVITY of the transportation system Promote EFFICIENT system management and operation Emphasize the PRESERVATION or maintenance of the existing system Advance REGIONAL SECURITY And strengthen the INFRASTRUCTURE / LAND USE CONNECTION
Timeline September 2011 June 2012 April 2012 Open Houses Final Plan Update public participation throughout entire process public participation throughout entire process Public participation will continue to occur throughout the entire Plan Update process. Today, we are presenting transportation planning assumptions for our region. What you will see are both existing conditions and projections of future conditions as they relate to travel supply and demand for our region. Where people live, work, shop and recreate impact our transportation system and the type of system we will need in the future. The purpose of this first round of open houses is to present these conditions and identify needs. Over the next few months your input will help us develop alternatives to address these needs. Preliminary transportation alternatives or recommendations will be presented in April 2012 at a second round of Public Open Houses. The Final Plan Update is scheduled to be completed in June 2012. April 2012 Open Houses
Preliminary Assumptions Population, Employment, Commuter Data Economic and Social Demographics Household Density and Land Use Transit Facilities Bicycle Facilities Freight Needs Congestion Areas Safety Hotspots As we have mentioned… Today, we are presenting the transportation planning assumptions for our region. These assumptions are based on existing and future condition data collected, developed and analyzed by OKI staff. The preliminary assumptions that you will be viewing today, cover the following transportation-related areas: Population, Employment, Commuter Data Economic and Social Demographics Household Density and Land Use Transit Facilities Bicycle Facilities Freight Needs Congestion Areas Safety Hotspots
Share Your Thoughts Your participation tonight in reviewing and commenting on the preliminary assumptions is greatly desired. When you arrived today, you received a program. Inside the program, is a survey. Survey questions correspond with each display that you will be viewing today. Please record your comments directly onto the survey sheets and turn them in before you leave. OKI staff are positioned throughout the open house to answer your questions and provide further insight into the Plan Update process. Just look for our blue name tags 513-621-6300 The information you view today will be available at by October. We welcome you to visit the website and provide further comments. Also, please share information about the Plan Update with family members, friends and co-workers. Directing them to visit our website. Updates and information will be posted to this site as they become available. Thank you for listening and Moving the Region Forward. We invite you now to view our displays. We look forward to receiving your input. This concludes our overview presentation.