History Bee Vocabulary 6th Grade
6th Grade History Bee Vocabulary 1. Adaptation 2. Alliance 3. Apartheid 4. Belief System 5. Buddhism 6. Capitalism 7. Caste System 8. Census 9. Christianity 10. Columbian Exchange 11. Command Economy 12. Communism 13. Conquest 14. Constitutional Monarchy 15. Cultural Diffusion 16. Culture Trait 17. Deforestation 18. Dictatorship
6th Grade History Bee Vocabulary 19. Domestic Policy 20. Dynasty 21. Economic Development 22. Embargo 23. Ethnocentrism 24. European Union 25. Famine 26. Feudalism 27. Foreign Policy 28. Free Trade 29. Genocide 30. Globalization 31. Hinduism 32. Human Rights 33. Imperialism 34. Institution 35. Islam 36. Judaism
6th Grade History Bee Vocabulary 37. Limited Government 38. Literacy Rate 39. Market Economy 40. Modification 41. Monarchy 42. Monotheism 43. Nomads 44. Oligarchy 45. Physical Geography 46. Political Geography 47. Polytheism 48. Poverty 49. Primary Industry 50. Reform 51. Refugee 52. Secondary Industry 53. Socialism 54. Society
6th Grade History Bee Vocabulary 55. Standard of Living 56. Theocracy 57. Traditional Economy 58. Transportation Corridor 59. Trend 60. Unlimited Government 61. Latitude 62. Longitude 63. Scale 64. International Date Line 65. Hemisphere 66. Cardinal Directions 67. Compass Rose 68. Atlantic Ocean 69. Arctic Ocean 70. Pacific Ocean 71. Indian Ocean 72. Antarctica
6th Grade History Bee Vocabulary 73. Asia 74. Australia 75. Europe 76. South America 77. Africa 78. North America 79. Oceania 80. Nile River 81. Himalayas 82. China 83. Amazon Basin 84. Amazon River 85. Andes 86. Sahara Desert 87. Great Wall of China 88. Suez Canal 89. Panama Canal 90. Location