Event hosted by the UN-OHRLLS and the World Bank Group A preparatory event for the comprehensive Ten Year Review Conference on the Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action Event hosted by the UN-OHRLLS and the World Bank Group June 13, 2013 World Bank’s support to the Central Asian Republics in the transport sector
Challenge: Improving Connectivity Landlocked Countries: Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Turkmenistan, and Republic of Uzbekistan Additional challenges: Distance and topography Relevance of 7 objectives of the Almaty PoA to improve connectivity
World Bank Response: Financial Support and Analytical and Advisory Services Some examples: Kazakhstan: Western Europe – Western China Transit Corridor, complemented with advisory services (Logistics, Transport Strategy) Uzbekistan: Transport Sector Policy Note and proposed investment lending Tajikistan: Proposed Central Asia Road Links – Sugd Oblast Kyrgyz Republic: Osh-Batken-Isfana Road Corridor (NRRP), and advisory services (Kyrgyz Rail Trade Link) Turkmenistan: no engagement
Results on the Ground In the Kyrgyz Republic: A New Road Ties Trade and Towns Together: http://intranet.worldbank.org/WBSITE/INTRANET/INTCOUNTRIES/INTECA/0,,contentMDK:23383836~pagePK:145785~piPK:146087~theSitePK:257897,00.html Thank you! Contact: Cordula Rastogi, Sr Transport Economist crastogi@worldbank.org