Quebec Independence Movement Vocabulary – SS6H5 Quebec Independence Movement Consent**Flourish**Francophones**Secede**Referendum**Heritage Controversial**Nationalism**Prejudice**Preserve
Consent To agree or give permission. If Quebec were allowed to secede, it would need the consent of the majority of those living in the province. In order for you to go on a field trip, we must get your parent must consent.
Flourish To be very successful or do well. Some Canadians fear that if Quebec leaves, Canada will not flourish in a global market. Crops will not flourish in a desert climate. In order to flourish in school, you need to study and do your homework.
Francophones People who speak French. 80% of Quebec’s population are Francophones.
Secede To break off and go your own way; to become separate or independent from something else. Quebec’s separatists think that Quebec should secede from Canada.
Referendum A public vote on a specific issue. For Quebec to become independent, a majority of voters must say yes in a referendum.
Heritage Anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition (such as language, culture, etc.). Many citizens of Quebec feel that their heritage is at risk.
Controversial An issue that causes debate, argument, or disagreement. Quebec’s independence movement is a very controversial issue.
Nationalism Pride in or love for your country; patriotism. There are many people in Quebec with a strong sense of nationalism who would not support breaking away from Canada.
Prejudice Unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding an ethnic, racial, social, or religious group. An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Quebec’s Francophones feel they have experienced prejudice from English speakers and the Canadian government.
Preserve To save or protect. Some people feel that the best way to preserve Quebec’s French heritage is to become independent from Canada.