Family Grossulariaceae By: Noah Berglund
Family Grossulariaceae 1 Genus: Ribes, 150 species Found in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere Flowering Half-shrub, 2-3 feet tall Maple like leaves on short shoots Leaves alternate in clusters
Prickly Gooseberry (Ribes cynosbati) Flowers are found in groups of 1-3 near the petioles of some leaves All berries have prickles Each flower is about 1/3" long, greenish yellow, consist of short tubular calyx with 4-5 spreading lobes
Swamp Gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum) The bark is grayish, twigs have scattered bristle-like prickles that fall with the outer bark after the first year palmate leaves, 3-5 lobes, perfect flower
Wild Black Currant (Ribes americanum) Leaves three to five lobes, 1¼"-3¼" wide perfect flowers can be found drooped in clusters Berries are 6-10mm in diameter, smooth and black.
Swamp Red Currant (Ribes triste) Leaves: 3 lobed (rarely 5), palmate venation Flowers - 6-15 in drooping clusters; reddish or greenish purple; petals about 1 mm long Fruit - bright red to purplish, smooth berries, about 6 mm across
Resources Pictures as seen in order 1- 5-