Final payment appropriations Payment appropriations Programming period 2007- 2013 Budget Execution on 31/12/2016 OBJECTIVE 2016 Consumption vs. Final payment appropriations Consumption Payment appropriations Million € % Convergence 2.824 2.448 86.7% Competitiveness 1.110 936 84.3% TOTAL 3.934 3.384 86%
2007-2013 Financial execution Total Payments (POA incl.) - 95% limit Austria 95.00% Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Rep. Denmark Estonia Finland France Greece 100.00% Hungary Ireland 95.00% Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal 95.02% Slovakia Slovenia Sweden UK
2007-2013 Budget Execution by Member State on 31/12/2016 Romania 68.36% Malta 72.13% Croatia 73.04% Spain 78.65% Hungary 81.94% Estonia 82.00% Lithuania Latvia 82.72% Italy 84.82% Czech Rep. 85.75% Slovakia 85.91% Bulgaria 85.96% Slovenia 86.00% Cyprus Poland 86.27% Germany 86.74% Belgium 87.49% Denmark 87.50% Netherlands Austria Finland Luxembourg Ireland Sweden United Kingdom 87.53% France 87.64% Portugal 87.89% Greece 92.50% TOTAL 84.89%
Pending cost claims 2007-2013 - status on 31/12/2016 Payable cost claims 0 € Un-payable cost claims 1.691 Million € out of this amount payable (95%) 934 Million € 5
2007-2013 TOTAL CUMULATED PAYMENTS Total Decided: 76.617
Final payment appropriations Payment appropriations Programming period 2014 - 2020 Budget Execution on 31/12/2016 FUND 2016 Consumption vs. Final payment appropriations Consumption Payment appropriations Million € % ESF 5.322 4.385 82.4% YEI 1.050 347 33.0% FEAD 460 277 60.2% Total 6.833 5.009 73.3%
2014-2020 ESF Financial Execution on 31/12/2016 Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Austria 0.00% Belgium 0.77% Bulgaria 2.60% Croatia 0.29% Cyprus 5.04% Czech Rep. 3.56% Denmark 0.73% Estonia 4.03% Finland 8.30% France 0.48% Germany 0.74% Greece 10.11% Hungary 0.09% Ireland Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Italy 1.02% Latvia 2.81% Lithuania 7.42% Luxembourg 5.10% Malta 0.00% Netherlands Poland 3.13% Portugal 7.94% Romania Slovakia 4.52% Slovenia 0.19% Spain Sweden 0.91% UK 0.25% TOTAL 2.37%
2014-2020 YEI Financial Execution on 31/12/2016 Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Belgium 13.41% Bulgaria 11.81% Croatia 6.55% Cyprus 18.02% Czech Republic 0.41% France 7.03% Greece 27.81% Hungary 8.21% Ireland 0.00% Italy 11.58% Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Latvia 19.88% Lithuania 1.36% Poland 30.62% Portugal 42.86% Romania 0.00% Slovakia 3.74% Slovenia Spain Sweden 8.57% United Kingdom TOTAL 9.87%
2014-2020 FEAD Financial Execution on 31/12/2016 Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Austria 11.16% Belgium 19.20% Bulgaria 4.46% Croatia 0.00% Cyprus Czech Republic 4.06% Denmark 0.13% Estonia 20.45% Finland 6.02% France 6.81% Germany Greece 4.24% Hungary Ireland Italy 4.43% Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % Latvia 12.33% Lithuania 10.90% Luxembourg 5.16% Malta 9.21% Netherlands 0.00% Poland 12.04% Portugal 9.04% Romania 0.88% Slovakia 0.18% Slovenia 11.92% Spain 21.09% Sweden 1.44% United Kingdom TOTAL 8.20%
2014-2020 ESF/YEI Financial Execution. vs 2014-2020 ESF/YEI Financial Execution vs. the historical data for 2007-2013 Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % 31/12/2016 31/12/2009 Austria 0.00% 18.36% Belgium 1.42% 11.39% Bulgaria 3.25% 0% Croatia 0.61% 0.82% Cyprus 6.79% 0.14% Czech Rep. 3.95% 0.04% Denmark 0.81% 6.86% Estonia 4.48% 10.05% Finland 9.22% 8.76% France 0.89% 7.76% Germany 9.83% Greece 12.11% 0.64% Hungary 0.19% 3.19% Ireland 21.07% Country Interim payments / Total Allocation % 31/12/2016 31/12/2009 Italy 1.74% 6.62% Latvia 3.95% 3.41% Lithuania 8.06% 3.52% Luxembourg 5.67% 5.24% Malta 0.00% 0.06% Netherlands 0.40% Poland 4.05% 5.53% Portugal 9.64% 12.39% Romania 0.04% Slovakia 4.99% 1.79% Slovenia 0.21% 0.43% Spain 5.78% Sweden 1.48% 6.68% UK 0.27% 9.72% TOTAL 2.93% 6.28% 11
2014-2020 payments in 2016 by payment date
Pending cost claims 2014-2020 - status on 31/12/2016 Payable cost claims ESF/YEI - 344 Million € FEAD - 230 K € Un-payable cost claims - 8 Million € 13
Back-log on 31/12/2016 1,285 FEAD: 230 K Eur (not on the slide)
Total ESF payments executed between 1994-2016 per year
Budget amounts 2017 2007-2013 ESF: 700 Million € 2014-2020: -ESF: 8,579 Million € -YEI: 600 Million € (+420 M €) -FEAD: 440 Million €
Overall 2017 Budget Execution on 31/01/2017 Programming pProgramming period ramming Payment appropriations Million € Consumption (in workflow incl.) Consumption/ Payment appropriations % 2014-2020 ESF 8.580 YEI 600 FEAD 440 189 14 3 0.02% 0% 2007-2013 700 Total 10.320 206
Pending cost claims - status on 31/01/2017 2007-2013 Payable cost claims 0 € Unpayable cost claims 1,709 Million € Payable part 941 Million € 2014-2020 Payable cost claims 0 € Unpayable cost claims 8 Million €
Country Total OPs Designated Percentage Austria 1 0% Belgium 4 2 50% Bulgaria 3 100% Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France 33 30 91% Germany 17 5 29% Greece Hungary Ireland Country Total OPs Designated Percentage Italy 29 22 76% Latvia 1 100% Lithuania Luxemburg Malta Netherlands Poland 17 Portugal 10 Romania 2 0% Slovakia Slovenia Spain 23 Sweden United Kingdom 6 5 83% TOTAL 187 157 84% FEAD (25): AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IT, LT, LV, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI and SK
Forecast accuracy Accuracy 59.47% 33.24% 44.79% 35.80% 49.85% 38.15%