5S workplace organisation
What is 5S? 5S is a workplace organisation technique composed of five primary phases: Sustain Sort Set Shine Standardise Clinical Research Network
When to use 5S Whenever a workplace is messy / unorganised. Whenever people have to spend time looking for items that are required to complete a task. Ask yourself – “is everything in place and is there a place for everything?” If the answer is “no” it’s time to start a 5S. Ask delegates if they can identify areas in work that this would help on their tables Chaos does not have to be extreme to need addressing ☺ Clinical Research Network
Implementing 5S S1: Sort Goal: Remove all items from the workplace that are not needed for any current work. “When you sort, you leave only the bare essentials.” “When in doubt, move it out” It does not mean that you remove only the items that you know you will never know It does not mean that you simply arrange things in a neater fashion This is the foundation step and probably the most important as it forces people to question if they really need all of the things around them to carry out their task In the first step we are removing from the workplace all of those items we don’t need to carry out our job. If the items could be used in another area or we are unsure as to their application, we store them in a predefined quarantine location until we decide what is to be done with them. Then they can either be reallocated or disposed of if it’s decided they are truly obsolete If the item really is rubbish then just do it! Bin it. But ensure that the item is not required elsewhere before you discard it entirely. Clinical Research Network
Finding it hard to let go? S1: Sort in action IT Service Department Finding it hard to let go? Then Red Tag it Clarify the red tag Give an example of not letting go – obsolete equipment in a neonatal unit, not used for 30 years!! On a ward Clinical Research Network
“Creating a place for everything and putting everything in its place” Implementing 5S S2: Set Goal: To determine the type of storage and layout that will ensure they are easy to locate and use for everyone. “Creating a place for everything and putting everything in its place” It does not mean that you remove only the items that you know you will never need It does not mean that you simply arrange things in a neater fashion This is the foundation step and probably the most important as it forces people to question if they really need all of the things around them to carry out their task In the first step we are removing from the workplace all of those items we don’t need to carry out our job. If the items could be used in another area or we are unsure as to their application, we store them in a predefined quarantine location until we decide what is to be done with them. Then they can either be reallocated or disposed of if its decided they are truly obsolete If the item really is rubbish then just do it! Bin it. But ensure that the item is not required elsewhere before you discard it entirely. Equipment Example – teaching hospital use A, B and C as in resus for equipment storage across all sites so everyone knows where everything is kept Clinical Research Network
To get a better understanding S2: Set in action Spaghetti Diagrams; Used to depict the flow of information, material or people. A tool to track the physical motion of people/material in a location. Draw the path taken on the blueprint of the area - the wasted motion will be evident. Additional Slides available to better explain spaghetti diagrams - offer as post course resource Top Tip! To get a better understanding of what happens, film it Clinical Research Network
Stagnating time is visible S2: Set in action Stagnating time is visible Where will it be used Where will it be placed How will it be placed How much will be placed Indication of placing Recognised visually Supports the spaghetti diagram, Eg stagnating time is visible, e.g. expiry dates on show Clinical Research Network
S3: Shine Implementing 5S Goal: Cleaning rubbish, filth, dust and other foreign matter. Cleaning as a form of inspection. “As we clean, we touch. As we touch, we find. As we find we fix.” The third S is Seiso or shining This third element looks at the cleanliness aspect of the workplace This is more than just a sweeping up function as it brings into cleaning the philosophy of finding potential problems which may become breakdowns or major problems in the future. The philosophy being that as we clean the item or equipment we are looking at it. Because we are looking at it intently we are liable to find abnormalities that we may not normally notice. As we find the problems we either arrange to get them fixed or if we have the training and expertise we may fix them ourselves. “ As we clean we touch, As we touch we find, As we find we fix”. Emphasis- MOST 5S fail because people stop at 3rd S Clinical Research Network
S4: Standardise Implementing 5S Goal: Defines how a task should be done. Documents the procedures and guidelines for S1, S2 & S3. Documents process steps (Standard Operating Procedures – SOPs). “Standardising work increases quality and efficiency” “Doing the right things the right way, every time” Talk through slide Clinical Research Network
S4: Standardise in action SOPs Visual Management Ask delegates do they use any of these and discuss benefits of them [NB, these are not the definitive tools for standardisation. Ask delegates if there are others they can think of] These are SOPs from Airedale NHS Trust. An example that includes images as well as words which is perhaps seen less often in research SOPs. Clinical Research Network
The last and hardest of the S’s. Implementing 5S S5: Sustain Goal: The 5S programme has a discipline that ensures its continued success. The last and hardest of the S’s. “To make sure the hard work does not come to nothing – we need to ensure that the area is sustained” The objective is to develop good habits so that cleanliness is a way of working and not the exception Over time Kaizen can be applied to the process to eliminate the causes of contamination and therefore reduce the amount of time it takes to clean up. An audit system will ensure that the current standard is being maintained and also used to set targets for improvement to lift even further the level of good housekeeping in that area and also for the company. Clinical Research Network
S5: Sustain in action Audit Sheet Agree on a template for a 5S Audit Sheet. Use specific and well designed criteria. Agree a periodic schedule for the audits. Use graphs and charts to show strengths and weaknesses. Clinical Research Network
Celebrate! And a bonus step... Keep everyone aware of 5S and its benefits by giving recognition where it is due. Clinical Research Network