Elementary Math: What Should It Look Like? Principals’ Meeting January 24, 2013
Instructional Characteristics Students are actively engaged in DOING mathematics. Students are applying mathematics to real-world problems. Students are sharing ideas with others through oral and/or written communication. Students are focused on conceptual understanding and the WHY of math. Students are using manipulatives and technology to reason about math. Students are fluent in basic computations.
Mathematical Practice Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them. 1 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 2 Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others. 3 Model with mathematics. 4 Standards for Mathematical Practice Use appropriate tools strategically. 5 Attend to precision. 6 Look for and make use of structure. 7 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 8
Checklist for Practice Standards
Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Lesson Analysis & Discussion Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Which standards for mathematical practice are students using effectively? What could the teacher do differently to improve the implementation of the Practice Standards? What other feedback do you have?
K-2 Example https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/counting-objects-and-ordering-numbers
Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Lesson Analysis & Discussion Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Which standards for mathematical practice are students using effectively? What could the teacher do differently to improve the implementation of the Practice Standards? What other feedback do you have?
3-5 Example https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/teaching-fractions?fd=1
Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Lesson Analysis & Discussion Use the following questions to guide your analysis & discussion: Which standards for mathematical practice are students using effectively? What could the teacher do differently to improve the implementation of the Practice Standards? What other feedback do you have?
….or learn to incorporate the Standards for Mathematical Practice.