As you come in… Turn in your #MidsummerNights project (under the front table). Then, prepare for a MND Reading Comp Quiz.
Jane Shaffer Review Structure paragraph like this: Transition (TS) Evidence (CD) Explanation (CM) More explanation (CM) More Explanation (CM) Final thought (CS) You must have your Thesis and at least one Concrete Detail per paragraph checked-off. Remember: this template is a suggestion, but it is a very effective suggestion for organizing a paragraph. Break down what each step needs: TS: Transitions to paragraph and connects to thesis CD: Must be an exact example of what the thesis suggests CM: Explain what the quote is saying and what matters about the quote for your analysis CM: Identify what this elaborates on or explains about your thesis CD: Another quote that conveys the same idea in a slightly different way CS: Sums up big idea of paragraph
Drafting Body Paragraphs Step 1: Concrete Details Find at least three pieces of textual evidence that support your thesis statement Step 2: Citations Include a complete internal citation Step 3: Commentary Explain what is going on in the quote that is relevant and discuss what it elaborates on or explains about your thesis
Homework Lit. Analysis 1st draft (due 4/2)