Student October Collection Office Hours 9/21/2017
Student October Office Hours Agenda English Learner Data Reporting Changes for 2017-2018 to EL Reporting English Learner Logical Sequence Using EL Reports Common Questions in EL Data Reporting Questions and Concerns
English Learner Reporting English Learner Data is reported in the Demographic File in three fields Language Background: determined by district/school staff using Home Language Survey (HLS). All students must have a valid language background. ‘eng’ is used for English speakers. Language Proficiency: The level of English proficiency for a student based upon W-APT Language Instruction Program: The type of program a student is receiving English Learner services from. 3
Language Background Language Background The three letter code for a student’s language that is determined by HLS. Language Background codes can be found on the CDE website Students with a Language Background of ‘eng’ (English) must have Language Proficiency and ESL_Status/Bilingual codes of ‘0’ Students with a Language Background that is not ‘eng’ (English) must have a valid Language Proficiency code other than ‘0’ 4
Language Instruction Program New Field with the following codes: Any student with Language Proficiency of NEP/LEP/FEP M1 & M2 must have a value other than 00 FEP exit Year 1 and Exit Year 2 may have any code Please do not use Other (97) prior to consulting with CDE’s office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education 00 No or Not Applicable 01 English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Development (ELD) 02 Dual Language or Two-way Immersion 03 Transitional Bilingual Education or Early-Exit Bilingual Education 04 Content Classes with integrated ESL Support 05 Newcomer programs 97 Other 98 Not in a Language Instruction Program, Parent Choice (Parent Refusal) Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Language Instruction Program Parental Refusal 2016-17 data collections did not allow students to be coded as parent refusals when language proficiency code = FEP 2017-18 data collections allows students to be coded as parent refusal when language proficiency = NEP, LEP, and FEP Students coded as parent refusal must have a valid language proficiency code: NEP, LEP, FEP They cannot be FELL or PHLOTE
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 Language Proficiency Language Proficiency 2016-2017 2017-2018 Non-English Proficient (NEP) 1 Limited English Proficient (LEP) 2 Fluent English Proficient (FEP) 3 N/A Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE) 4 Former English Language Learner (FELL) 5 FEP Monitor Year 1 6 FEP Monitor Year 2 7 FEP Exit Year 1 8 FEP Exit Year2 9 Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Language Proficiency EL Logical Sequence Language Proficiency will incorporate additional categories of Fluent English Proficient (FEP) than were previously captured in the ESL/Bilingual categories. Once students have completed a full school year coded as FEP Exited Year 2 they should move to FELL In prior years students would remain FEP (Exited Year 3+) NEP / LEP FEP Monitor Year 1 FEP Monitor Year 2 FEP Exited Year 1 FEP Exited Year 2 FELL
Language Proficiency: Transfers Into District In prior years, when students transferred into a district and district determined student to be fluent/non-EL, students should have been coded as FELL / PHLOTE. Starting in 2017-2018, CDE will allow additional flexibility – under ESSA and ELPA – to report the students as following the state progression. If a student transfers to your district from another district you may report them as following the logical progression or You may report them as FELL CDE strongly encourages your district to be consistent and code all transfers in the progression or FELL Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Language Proficiency: Transfers into District Example Student enrolls in your district from another Colorado School District Following your district practices the student: Has a language background other than English Is assessed and determined to be fluent in English (not eligible for EL services) Student then may be coded as: FEP : Monitor 1, Monitor 2, Exit 1, or Exit 2 PHLOTE or FELL You use a CDE resource to find out that in October 2016 student was coded as: FEP – Monitor Year 1 You may follow that progression and have them coded as FEP – Monitor Year 2 for the 2017-2018 school year Or You may code the student as FELL Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 Language Proficiency How will you know how to code students who were FEP last year? English Learner Historical Reporting 1 SASID at a time All prior history in our database If a student has been FEP and Exited two years in a row then FELL If a student has been FEP and Exited 1 year then FEP Exited Year 2 English Learner Historical Reporting by District All students in your district with language background <> eng State FEP Logical Code includes our recommended value based upon the previous year Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 Language Proficiency EL Logical Sequence errors to look out for: District Transfers Code them as FELL at first and they will trigger warnings to tell you where in the progression CDE expects them: SP295, SP297, SP299 Only triggered if coded as FELL Error Code Current Year Code Prior Year Code 2x Prior Year Code Logical Code SP184 FEP M2 FEP E1 SP185 FEP M1/M2/E1 FEP Exited FEP M1 FEP E2 SP186 FEP M1/M2/E1/E2 FELL Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-2018 EL Data Reporting How is CDE defining an EL student now? EL flag used by most collections and offices here at CDE will use: NEP, LEP, FEP M1, and FEP M2 = Yes (1) Office of Accountability will have a broader definition NEP, LEP, and FEP (all values) = Yes (1) ELPA funding NEP, LEP, FEP M1, and FEP M2 Grades K-12 Students Eligible for Funding Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Common Questions How should I report preschool students? If your district determines a preschool student has a language background other than English LANGUAGE_BACKGROUND <> eng The student should be reported as having a Primary Home Language Other than English (PHLOTE) LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY = 4 (PHLOTE) Students who are in preschool are generally not in an EL program and would not be reported as served by a Language Instruction Program LANGUAGE_PROGRAM = 00 (No) If the school is providing English Learner services through the regular school program you may report then as NEP/LEP LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY = 1, 2 (NEP, LEP) LANGUAGE_PROGRAM <> 00
Common Questions How should I report preschool students? Preschool students are not eligible for ELPA funding and will not appear in ELPA reports. Preschool and Kindergarten Students cannot be coded as FEP or FELL LANGUAGE_PROFICIENCY <> 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 if ENTRY_GRADE_LEVEL = 004, 006, or 007 If the student is fluent and does not require services they should be coded as PHLOTE
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Friday 15th: Deadline for requesting Alternate Count Day and FRL Variance Waiver from FAST September Monday 2nd: Count Day Thursday 5th: Deadline for first student interchange upload Thursday 12th: Suggested date for error free interchange files Thursday 19th: Deadline for creating first snapshot Thursday 26th: Suggested date for error free snapshot October Tuesday 7th 5pm: Suggested snapshot submission date Friday 10th 5pm: Legislated snapshot submission deadline Tuesday 28th: Last day to resubmit snapshot November Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-2018 Student October Questions, Comments, or Suggestions… Please ask about anything or let us know what you are thinking about Student October Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961