Title goes here (72-108pt) RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS Subtitle (48-72pt) Poster Layout: Size: 48 X 36 inches Margin: 1 inch on each side Number of Columns: it can be three or four columns. Adjust it Based on your need !! Text sizes: Given next to the headings You can have a miniature sized poster printed out to give out. You can add your contact information so that interested people can get back to you. Include acknowledgement to the Grant agency funding the research. Try to keep the COE logo given here so that you can be easily distinguished from others. Include resources for color combinations. REMOVE GRIDLINES once you are done; Abstract (48pt) Goal/Hypothesis Goal/Hypothesis Goal/Hypothesis TEXT (18-24 pt) Title (48pt) RESULTS Title (48pt) Title (48pt) Introduction RESULTS RESULTS Conclusion Aim/Hypothesis Title (48pt) Title (48pt) RESULTS Methods RESULTS References Acknowledgements Contact Us