Welcome to Day Five
Agenda Linear Function Video Cases Break Mystery Graphs Lunch Function Learning Stations Lines of Best Fit Marcy’s Dot Pattern & Assessment of Thinking Reflection
Preparing to Solve the Task More Dots Norm Reminder
Tasks 1 & 2
Working on the Task Individually work on both tasks Graph both tasks on the same grid using different colored pencils Compare your results with a partner
Analyzing the Tasks What do you notice about the table and graphs for both tasks? What is similar and different about them? What accounts for these differences and/or similarities? How do these relate to the task patterns?
Preparing to View Video Norms for viewing teacher video. Video Transcriptions
Video 1 & 2: “Angel’s Question”
Video Notes Make notes of important and/or significant aspects of the video. Preparing for 2nd Video Same Video Transcripts
Video Discussion Consider these questions individually, then discuss with a partner. What evidences of student thinking did you observe? What was an important points you noticed in the video? Where there any evidences of the
Task Extension Suppose another “arm” is added to the Growing Dots. What do you predict the equation and graph for this pattern will change from the previous two tasks?
Completing the Task Individually construct a table and graph for this pattern. Discuss these questions with your small group. What is similar/different in this situation? What has changed from the previous patterns you worked on today?
Math Notes What SMP’s did you find yourself engaging in with the task? What was mathematically significant for you as you interacted with the task, task strategies and videos? What are the important mathematical ideas you want to remember about this session?
What Do You Emphasize? Approaching Graphing
Graphs to Stories Stories to Graphs Activities Graphs to Stories Stories to Graphs
Your Turn! Solve the rest of the Graphs to Stories and Stories to Graphs with a partner. Be ready to share your stories and graphs!
Mystery Graphs This activity is taken from Investigations in Number, Data, and Space and can be used at about any grade level from Grade 4 upward.
Lines of Best Fit Ice Cream Example Create a scatterplot on the TI-84 Make a visual line of best fit What do the slope and y-intercept tell us?
Learning Stations Project Project Descriptions The Stations Your Turn!!
Assessment of Algebraic Thinking Marcy’s Dot Pattern Assessment of Algebraic Thinking
Marcy’s Dot Pattern
Tabular Approach
Visual Approach
An Alternate Approach
0/1 – No Response/Incorrect
2 – Minimal Response
3 – Partial Response
4 - Satisfactory
5 – Extended Response
Messages Algebraic Reasoning and Patterning extend across the grades Many connections can be made among number, algebra, geometry, and statistics Students need real-world examples to make sense of what can be abstract ideas We are making progress but have a long way to go!
Curriculum Connection How can we connect important mathematical ideas together in a manner to deepen understanding by students?
Curriculum Connections Review the CCSSM Algebra Standards for your grade level. How do the activities today align with the algebra expectations at your grade level? How will you use the activities next year with students?
Time of Reflection Take a few moments to reflect on SMP’s connected to the content tasks we did today. -- Name of the task and related SMP’s -- Evidence for the chosen SMP’s -- Jot down how you contributed to our shared community of professionals and what mathematical and/or pedagogical knowledge you are taking away from today.