Employee Self Service (ESS) Administration Version 2.20.


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Presentation transcript:

Employee Self Service (ESS) Administration Version 2.20

Employee Self Service – Administration The Site Administration Menu is available only if the user has been assigned the role of Administrator in Employee Self Service. This menu allows user roles to be defined, deleted or added; logo and company documents to be uploaded; menu options, welcome message and user instructions to be personalized; and system and direct deposit settings to be defined.

Employee Self Service – Administration The Edit Menu option is used to define the menu options the site has purchased. The Site Administrator can view all options available and determine which purchased options will be available to their employees. Unchecking a menu or sub-menu options will make the option unavailable for all employees. Any menu options that were not purchased will be visible to the Site Administrator but grayed out and not available for selection.

Employee Self Service – Administration User Maintenance menu allows for users to be deleted and user roles to be assigned.

Employee Self Service – Administration Registered employees can be deleted from Employee Self Service by selecting the employee from the Delete User list and clicking the delete button. If the employee has pending tasks, the user cannot be deleted until all pending tasks have been rejected or approved. Once an employee is deleted, they must register again in ESS to access their information. Terminated employees can still register for ESS to make demographic change request and to access their check and W2 history.

Employee Self Service – Administration The site administrator can assign or un-assign approval roles to employees after they have registered for Employee Self Service. The employee is selected from the list of Registered Users and then their role is selected from the Add Roles list. The arrows are used to add or delete roles for the employee. The standard roles are preset but new roles can be added with Edit System Roles on the User Maintenance menu.

Employee Self Service – Administration Role Maintenance menu options are used to define system roles and to add and edit leave approvers. If your site purchased ESS lite, these options will not be useful for your ESS.

Employee Self Service – Administration Edit System Roles list the standard approval roles. New roles can be created with the ‘Create New’ option. The Approval Roles are then assigned to each ESS function that the role will be responsible for approving or maintaining with the Task Default Routing menu option. The roles are then assigned to employees under the Assign Roles to User option on the User Maintenance menu. (Edit System Roles) (Task Default Routing)

Employee Self Service – Administration Leave can be approved by location by defining a leave approval role for each location and assigning the role to a department (cost center location). The role would also have to be assigned to a employee(s) in the Assign Roles To User option. If a location does not have an assigned approver, it will default to the Leave Administrator and the employee assigned to this role.   (Add/Edit Leave Approvers)

Employee Self Service – Administration System Messages menu is used to edit the site’s welcome message and the administrator contact information.

Employee Self Service – Administration A welcome message can be entered for employees with the edit site welcome message option. The message will display on the main screen of ESS for employees. The font and color for the message cannot be changed at this time. The welcome message is not required.

Employee Self Service – Administration The Administrator can add a message with contact information to the employee’s About ESS menu option.

Employee Self Service – Administration System Settings menu contains menu options for editing system settings for direct deposit and user instructions and for uploading the site logo.

Employee Self Service – Administration Edit System Settings menu contains options for system text, direct deposit, and user instructions settings.

Employee Self Service – Administration System Text Setting is used to determine what case employee information on the demographic screen will update to Nextgen. If the setting is checked, all the demographic fields, including email, will be updated to Nextgen in upper case. If setting is unchecked, all demographic fields will update to Nextgen in the case the employee entered the field in ESS - upper, lower or mixed case.

Employee Self Service – Administration Direct deposit settings determine if direct deposit changes will be automatically updated or will be manually updated by the Approver to Nextgen. To manually update direct deposit changes, the Manual Direct Deposit box will be checked. If manually updating direct deposits, the administrator can define an email message that will be sent upon approval of request to the employee explaining the manual update process.

Employee Self Service – Administration To automatically update direct deposit change requests to Nextgen, the Manual Direct Deposit option must be unchecked. If unchecked, all direct deposit change requests will be made to employee’s direct deposit records in Nextgen when request are approved. If a new direct deposit record does not exist in Nextgen’s deduction master, the approver will receive a message that a deduction with the routing number must be set up before the update can be processed. Once the deduction has been added to deduction master, the approver can select to approve the request again. Any request to delete a direct deposit will inactivate the employee’s direct deposit record in Nextgen.

Employee Self Service – Administration If the Direct Deposit Information ACH Flag Notification option is unchecked, the ACH notified flag will be unselected for all direct deposit add or change requests except for requests to change the amount on non-primary accounts. If the option is checked, the ACH notified flag will be selected for all direct deposit add and change requests.

Employee Self Service – Administration The administrator can enter instructions on the direct deposit process that appear on the employee’s Direct Deposit screen.

Employee Self Service – Administration The administrator can enter instructions for W4, State Withholding form, Leave Request, Leave Balance, Demographics and Deduction Inquiry. The instructions are then displayed on all the employee’s screens.

Employee Self Service – Administration The Electronic Acceptance form can be automatically presented to employee on their first login to ESS by selecting the Enable Electronic Acceptance Message option. The employee cannot see the menu until they have selected an option on the Electronic Acceptance form if this functionality is enabled. An instruction message for the employee explaining the Districts policy can be entered. If the option is unchecked, the employee will not be forced to sign the form on their first login to ESS. EXAMPLE TEXT

Employee Self Service – Administration The Upload Site Logo allows school district’s logo to be displayed on the employee task screen and on the check detail if document services is not used. Acceptable file types are jpeg and png. The logo file may need to be resized to a smaller version to fit in the space allowed.

Employee Self Service – Administration Company Documents Administration allows the Administrator to add new, edit or delete company documents for employees to view. Expiration dates can be added to each document. Once a document has expired, it will not be available for employees to view. The expiration date can be edited to a future date to make the document available for the employees to view. Expired documents will be highlighted. If a document is not to be edited by the employees, it must be saved in Abode PDF format prior to adding to Company Documents.