COAR Next Generation Repositories WG


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Presentation transcript:

COAR Next Generation Repositories WG

what is COAR?

Confederation of Open Access Repositories international association with >100 members from 35 countries - 5 continents represented libraries, universities, research institutions, government funding agencies etc. University of Edinburgh is a long-standing member

what is the Repositories Next Generation Working Group?

...resisting the obvious Star Trek: Next Generation joke here... quite proud of myself for resisting that :-)

Repositories Next Generation Working Group Eloy Rodrigues, chair (COAR, Portugal) Lazarus Matizirofa (NRF, South Africa) Pandelis Perakakis (Open Scholar, Spain) Andrea Bollini (CINECA, Italy) Alberto Cabezas (LA Referencia, Chile) Oya Rieger (Cornell University, US) Jochen Schirrwagen (University of Bielefeld, Germany) Donatella Castelli (OpenAIRE/CNR, Italy) Daisy Selematsela (NRF, South Africa) Les Carr (Southampton University, UK) Kathleen Shearer (COAR, Canada) Leslie Chan (University of Toronto at Scarborough, Canada) Tim Smith (CERN, Switzerland) Herbert Van de Sompel (Los Alamos National Laboratory, US) Rick Johnson (SHARE/University of Notre Dame, US) Paul Walk (EDINA, UK) Petr Knoth (Jisc and Open University, UK) David Wilcox (Duraspace/Fedora, Canada) Paolo Manghi (CNR, Italy) ▪ Kazu Yamaji (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) the WG includes some luminaries from the world of repositories. And I'm in there too.

this is what we actually look like yes, earnest looking people with laptops, in a back-room

To position repositories as the foundation for a distributed, globally networked infrastructure for scholarly communication… The vision “…on top of which layers of value added services will be deployed, thereby transforming the system, making it more research-centric, open to and supportive of innovation, while also collectively managed by the scholarly community.”

why focus on repositories? aren’t they old hat?

3 cheers for repositories! I’d like to propose 3 cheers for repositories I think this is the Portugal fans celebrating Euro 2016. I wanted to use a picture of Portsmouth fans cheering, but nothing came up on Flickr for some reason....

cheer #1: proven technology, ubiquitous in our institutions most of our repository systems are built from technology which has been in near-continuous development for more than a decade.

cheer #2: strong community support the community support for repository systems is considerable - look around you for the evidence of that! :-)

cheer #3: distributed policy control the resources within our repositories are under the control of our institutions, not under the control of a handful of publishers monopoly avoidance startegy the most important aspect from my point of view

The working group asserts that: “The nearly ubiquitous deployment of repository systems in higher education and research institutions provides the foundation for a distributed, globally networked infrastructure for scholarly communication.” so that’s good a real opportunity!

However, the working group also recognises that: “…repository platforms are still using technologies and protocols designed almost twenty years ago, before the boom of the Web and the dominance of Google, social networking, semantic web and ubiquitous mobile devices.” so, there’s some work to do…

two of the ideas being discussed looking at functional requirements

1. Being of, not just on The Web obvious…but not really done yet the ‘splash page’ requiring human mediation is a real problem “signposting the scholarly web” link HTTP headers RDFa, bib extensions would involve very little or no effort by repository administrators a small amount of software development in repository systems Herbert Van de Sompel & Michael Nelson make the webpage itself both human and machine readable

2. Pro-active repositories repositories could become pro-active components in an event-driven scholarly system publishing ‘events’ such as the addition of a new resource (paper/dataset/whatever) to one or more notification hubs third-party systems ‘subscribing’ to these notifications - many potential applications would involve very little or no effort by repository administrators modest software development This blog post is why I was invited to join the COAR working group some interesting musing about peer-to-peer distributed control! alternatives to high-latency aggregation

imagine if: your repository could immediately notify a funder that a compliant open-access paper had been made available, and the funder's system could then easily and automatically retrieve a copy depositing a dataset into an institutional repository automatically notified a set of data-processing & preservation services some quick wins

many other ideas being discussed Discovery web-friendly repository technologies and architectures (quasi)peer-to-peer and/or notification pub-sub architectures Assessment overlay services on top of repositories using standardised registration, open peer-review and quality assessment services Workflows support the full lifecycle of research cross-repository workflows automated and continuous publishing of research artefacts Impact reliable and interoperable impact metrics for repository content focus areas

thanks for listening! more info: 1. Preliminary findings for public review later this year 2. Final report in early 2017 that was a very shallow overview - please talk to me afterwards if you want to know more. more information - follow that link!

I lied. sorry…