FEQHA Youth and AmateurCup 2019 July 12, 13 and 14 An experience with friends, not only for winning………
Location: Manege het Keelven Kuilveenweg 4 5912 GX Someren Second version, April 2018 Antoinette
What do we have here:. 2 Indoor arena’s, 3 outside arena’s What do we have here: * 2 Indoor arena’s, 3 outside arena’s * Parking facilities * Drop-off trailer parking * 64 stables * Campingspots * Cantina, extra space for judges or officials * a very clean Bathroom * clean toilets * Also disability approved
First struggle: When I gave the first presentation in Zurich, I had the hope that the prices should be the same as the NQHA shows, 100 euro each day. But at a strange way, It was mentioned on the internet. So when called with the facility, they raised up the price to 1500 euro for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. OOOOOO help… Jump into the car, went over there.. why? Okay, after a long time speaking the prices are as follow: Location Fee 750 euro (riders can come from Thursday) including drag and poles we can use. Stables 25 euro per day per horse Campingspots with electricity a 100 euro per spot Everyone can make there own choice for breakfast, lunch and diner Fridaynight July 12 there will be a hospitality meeting hosted by NQHA with finger food Saturdayevening there is a BBQ, 25 euro who will attent
Camping, housing, B&B and hotels nearby There is a camping nearby at 900 meters from the location. We can hire overthere chalets and a bunkhouse. The bunkhouse does have at this moment 48 places to sleep but they will renovate it into 8 rooms each 6 beds or 6 room with 8 beds. (cost for a bed is around 15 euro, per night. For prices please go to: https://www.campingdekuilen.nl http://www.gasterijdeheihorst.nl https://www.delabjeshoeve.nl http://www.bnbdelinden.nl http://www.hotelcentraal.nl http://www.gasterij-krabbendam.nl
Friday July 12 AQHA show - open for everyone - 1 or 2 judges Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July the Amateur and Youth Cup 2019 Volunteers??? Is it an idea that every one who wants to help from or who is involved by the FQHA make this events to a succes and with costs as low as possible?? Judges? Scribes? Doormen? Showoffice? Announcer?? Safety?? etc etc Please let me know ASAP if you want to help!!! Travel, sleep etc, shall be paid, but all the other costs….
HOPE TO MEET YOU! Antoinette Hazeleger info@nqha.nl Phone: +31 6 38549652