DEWEY ORDER How do you find a non-fiction book?
A lesson on Dewey by Patti Evans, Carlisle Elem.
NUMBERS! Each number stands for something
The first digit tells you what main Dewey group a book belongs to. 500s are
The second digit of a books Dewey number tells you to which subdivision it belongs A 9 means Animals
The third digit provides even more specific information about the books subject. An 8 in this place means birds.
598.4 Additional digits come after a decimal point and narrow it even more. A decimal point looks just like the period at the end of a sentence. Adding a.4 means the book is about a penguin
598.4 GRE Below the number are the first three letters of the authors last name
When you know the Dewey number you can find any book you need. All books on the same subject are grouped together so once you find the subject number, you will find all books on that subject.
As you begin at 000, the first three numbers will get bigger as you continue moving from shelf to shelf.
How do you read Decimals? Which is a BIGGER number? is actually bigger
When reading after the decimal point, always add a 0 at the end of the last digit so that you have an equal number of digits. Now which is bigger:
READING YOUR SHLEVES Always start on the left side of your shelf - just like you begin to read a book from left to right. Read the numbers ONLY first. If the numbers continue to get larger - you are in good order.
When 2 books have the exact same number, then you need to look at the author (the 3 letters). Keeping the exact same numbers together, now put the books in order by the author - but ONLY if the numbers are EXACTLY the same.
If 2 or more books have the exact same number and the exact same 3 letters, then it does not matter which book comes first in this library. In colleges or the public library, books are often shelved to the whole name of the author and then to the title of the book.
Push in the bookend so all books are standing Once your shelf is in order, pull all the books forward and make them look fairly even. Sign your name to the I READ MY SHELVES sheet and place it in the basket.
Once a week I will draw out at least 5 names and go check those shelves. If the shelf is in order, I will send an to your teacher and you may come choose something in the treasure box.