HIV & AIDS 101 فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية والإيدز PEACE CORPS هيئة السلام
What is HIV? ما هو فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية؟ Human Immuno-deficiency نقص المناعة HIV stand for human immunodeficiency virus. فيروس Virus
What is HIV? ما هو فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية؟ HIV is a virus that infects the cells of the immune system and destroys their function. فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية هو الفيروس الذي يصيب خلايا الجهاز المناعي ويدمر وظيفتها.
What is AIDS? السيدا ما هي؟ مكتسب Acquired Immuno- نقص المناعة Deficiency AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome and describes the collection of symptoms and infections associated with acquired deficiency of the immune system. Infection with HIV has been established as the underlying cause of AIDS. The level of HIV in the body and the appearance of certain infections are used as indicators that HIV infection has progressed to AIDS. AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection when the immune system has already been weakened. Advanced HIV infection weakens the immune system to the point that it cannot fight off infections as it can in a healthy state. The individual becomes more prone to a variety of infections (opportunistic infections) and other conditions (e.g., cancer). Eventually, the infected person may lose weight and become ill with such diseases as constant and severe diarrhea, fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia, or skin cancer. Other AIDS-associated conditions include invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and lymphoma. متلازمة Syndrome
يتم تعريف الإيدز على أساس خلايا تائية العد أقل من 200. What is AIDS? السيدا ما هي؟ AIDS is defined on the basis of a T cell count of less than 200. يتم تعريف الإيدز على أساس خلايا تائية العد أقل من 200. A medical condition characterized. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines AIDS on the basis of a CD4 positive T cell count of less than 200 cells per microliter of blood. CD4 t cells are critical in mounting an effective immune response to infections.
انتقال فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية HIV Transmission انتقال فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية What’s the fluid? Where’s the door? Instruction/Process Before the start of the session prepare cards/paper with phrases written on them. Tape these under the chairs. Prepare also two cards/newsprints with these headings: “Can transmit HIV,” and “Cannot transmit HIV.” Suggested phrases are: Can Transmit HIV: Anal sex, Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Direct blood transfusion of unscreened blood, Sharing of used/uncleaned needles and syringes, Breastfeeding, Mother to infant during delivery, Mother to infant during pregnancy Cannot Transmit HIV: Living with a person with HIV, Eating from the same dish as an HIV‑infected person, Hugging a person with HIV, Kissing a person with HIV, Shaking hands with a person with HIV, Eating a chicken raised by someone with HIV, Sharing a drinking cup with an HIV‑infected person, Mosquito bites, Letting someone cry on your shoulder, Stepping on a nail outside, Swimming pool, Using toilet, Cleaning up vomit with gloves on 2. Start the session with a review of Gina’s story. Indicate that in this session they will practice what they’ve learned during the session on transmission. 3. Ask the participants to pull out a paper/card taped under their chairs. Tell the participants that the papers/cards were placed randomly and had nothing to do with them personally. 4. Give a few moments for the participants to read the cards. 5. Ask the participants to come on front one at the time. Each of the participants should read the card and determine the fluid present that might contain the HIV, what door is present through which HIV might pass. Then he/she post the card under the “can transmit HIV” or “cannot transmit HIV” heading. 6. After they posted the card, ask reactions from other participants. Clarify questions or incorrect answers. 7. Repeat the process until all participants have completed the exercise. 8. Summarize key learning – what can and cannot transmit HIV and why.
Modes of Transmission طرق العدوى Sexual intercourse Drug injection, sharing infected syringes, & blood transfusions in medical settings Mother to child (in pregnancy, child delivery or breastfeeding) علاقات جنسية الدم نقل Since HIV is found mainly in blood, semen, cervical and vaginal mucus, and breast milk, we can see why the virus is more likely to be transmitted through: Sexual intercourse (oral, vaginal or anal) Blood transfusions and sharing of infected syringes and needles in health care settings and drug injection, and Mother to child (during pregnancy, child delivery or breastfeeding). الأم إلى الطفل
It is not possible to become infected with HIV through: فمن غير الممكن أن تصاب بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية عبر: Air, coughing, and Sneezing Food & Water Sweat, tears, and saliva Sharing utensils الهواء، والسعال، والعطس الطعام والماء العرق، والدموع، واللعاب تقاسم أواني الأكل
باستخدام نفس الحمام لدغات الحشرات It is not possible to become infected with HIV through: ومن غير الممكن أن تصاب بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية عبر: Touching, kissing & hugging someone Sharing clothing Utilizing the same bathrooms Insect bites اللمس، والتقبيل، ومعانقة شخص مصاب بالفيروس مشاركة الملابس باستخدام نفس الحمام لدغات الحشرات
صحيح أو خطأ HIV: TRUE or FALSE المصابين بالفيروس يبدون مثل أي شخص آخر People with HIV look like everybody else المصابين بالفيروس يبدون مثل أي شخص آخر If people smell good they are not infected إذا كان للناس رائحة طيبة هذا يعني أنهم غير مصابين بالفيروس Washing with salt water can cure HIV & AIDS الغسل بالمياه المالحة تعالج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية والإيدز HIV/AIDS has no cure! فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية / الإيدز ليس له علاج!
الوقاية من فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية Prevention of HIV الوقاية من فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية
Prevention: Use Decision-Making Skills للوقاية: استخدام مهارة اتخاذ القرار A Abstinence B Be faithful C Use condoms الامتناع عن ممارسة الجنس كن وفيا استخدام العازل الطبي
لا يوجد علاج لهذا الفيروس. There is NO CURE for HIV and AIDS. There is no cure for HIV and AIDS. Progression of the disease can be slowed down but cannot be stopped completely. The right combination of antiretroviral drugs can slow down the damage that HIV causes to the immune system and delay the onset of AIDS.