MATCH THE KEY WORD TO THE DEFINITION COMPASS Showed places along coasts LOG & LINE Worked out latitude New ships with lateen and square sails, rudders for steering and clinker built CARAVEL ASTROLABE Used to find direction Used to work out speed in knots or depth of water PORTLAN CHARTS
Prince Henry the Navigator founded a _________ at _________. PORTUGUESE EXPLORERS Prince Henry the Navigator founded a _________ at _________. Bartholomew Diaz sailed along the coast of __________ and discovered the southern tip. He called it the __________. Vasco da Gama sailed round the __________ to become the first European to reach __________.
Pizarro conquered the ________ in Peru to exploit their silver mines. The Conquistadores were ______________. Their aim was to ______________. Cortés conquered the ________ in Mexico to take their gold. Pizarro conquered the ________ in Peru to exploit their silver mines.
Columbus was born in __________. He was convinced that the world was __________ and that if he sailed west he would reach __________. Columbus was sponsored by __________. They hoped to gain __________. They gave him three ships, the __________, the __________ and the __________. Fears of the sailors: __________ Conditions on board the ship: __________ The men landed on __________ and discovered other islands such as __________. __________ men were left behind while Columbus returned to Spain with __________. Columbus made __________ voyages in total but did not discover __________. He died in disgrace because of __________. America was named after __________.