Term Definition 1. Dawes Act A. “Equality;” an American value as described by Alexis de Tocqueville in his book Democracy in America. 2. Homestead Act B. This law gave 160 acres of free land to settlers on the Great Plains. 3. Transcontinental Railroad C. Protects your right to remain silent. 4. Egalitarianism D. This law removed Native Americans from their land and forced them onto reservations. 5. 5th Amendment E. Consisting of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific, this linked the east and west coasts, greatly increasing the speed in which goods and people moved.
Farmers and Third Parties Populism Farmers and Third Parties
Life on the great plains Land was free or cheap, life was very hard. Soddies – made out of hard dirt and grasses, not enough wood to build houses. All members of the family had to work long hours. Far from other people – isolated.
Problems The prices of farm goods fell. Many had to take loans to survive – could not pay back. Far from banks – not enough gold coins to go around. Had to ship goods on the railroads – charged high rates.
Early solutions The Grange – social club for farmers. Farmers’ Alliance – sent speakers across the country to tell people about the problems faced by farmers.
Populist party “Peoples’ Party” – farmers, common people. New political party; “Third Party” What they wanted: “Free coinage of silver” – use both silver and gold coins. Income tax Direct election of Senators Eight hour work day
William Jennings bryan Populist Ran for President in 1896 Democrat vs. Republican vs. Populist “Cross of Gold Speech” Lost the election and the Populist Party collapsed.
Analyze this graph, how did falling crop prices impact farmers on the Great Plains? Farmers earned less money and suffered financial hardships. Farmers began to grow illegal drugs. Family units began to disappear on the Great Plains. Farmers rioted and destroyed their crops rather than sell said crops at such low prices.
Farmers of the late 1800s would be most associated with what political party? Communist Democratic Republican Populist
Which of the following was NOT a goal of the Populist Party? Direct election of Senators. Regulation of the railroads. Government ownership of all farms. Free coinage of silver.
Analyze this image, what was the main issue discussed in William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech? Regulation of the railroads. Cheaper land for farmers on the Great Plains. Free coinage of silver. Free education for farmers’ children.
True (A) or False (B): life was very difficult for early settlers on the Great Plains.