Was the Night of the Long Knives a turning point in Hitler’s rise to power?
Learning objective – to be able to explain the impact of Night of the Long Knives. I can describe the key features of the Night of the Long Knives. Grade 6 I can explain how significant the Night of the Long Knives was. Grade 3 I can explain and assess the impact of the Night of the Long Knives. Grade 1
Task Draw two columns in your book, one headed Arguments for purging the SA and another Arguments against purging the SA. Sort the following points into two columns and write a paragraph summarising which argument is the most persuasive. Many in the SA believed in anti-capitalist policies. The SA and Ernst Röhm was loyal to Hitler in his rise up to 1933. The German army had the support of big businesses. Hitler needed the army to overturn the Treaty of Versailles. A number of army generals disliked Hitler. The SA was ill-disciplined and too violent by many. The army was the only institution which could overthrow Hitler. Hitler could not be sure about the loyalty of the German army. The SA were committed Nazis.
The Night of the Long Knives The Great Depression and Germany Task Below is a list of key events in the rise of Hitler. Rank them in order of importance in a significance pyramid. Then answer the following questions. The Enabling Act The Von Papen Deal The Reichstag Fire The Night of the Long Knives The Great Depression and Germany The 1933 Election
Which word in this word cloud do you think summarises this lesson? Plenary Which word in this word cloud do you think summarises this lesson?