ICT Learning Objectives To understand more about webdesign, game development, coding(HTML&CSS) and the European Computer Driving license. Extension work on advanced coding, advanced webdesign, full ECDL course modules available and advanced game development. Students can work in groups at their own pace and then they present their work. Assessed on the following criteria; Content, ICT skills, Creativity and Communication skills
Getting started Please Note; Stick to my seating plan please Log into mrmacgarry.weebly.com Click More tab then Senior Computers and then Todays outcomes and playlist. Open this word file and watch the video at the top link about weebly please. All other tutorials are on the second blue link on this word file which you are expected to watch before you begin. Codecademy monitors the effort you have made and therefore I can clearly see the work you have or haven’t done. When in Senior Computers there are pre prepared presentations on each of the software and ECDL that you are expected to read before starting. You may work in groups of two and use experts in the class. Please, please ask for individual help if you are confused or don’t understand something as I like to help. 15 mins on each. 15 mins Weebly, 15 mins Codecademy (Html&CSS), 15 mins Scratch and 10-15 mins on ECDL Module 7 about the Internet. For differentiated teaching students can go at their own pace and ability. The overall objective is to make the best possible website, the best possible game, the max amount of coding you can achieve within the weeks allotted and pass an online test on ECDL M7 You will present all of what you have learned in the last week and you will have an online test on ECDL M7.