BY: Matt Polky & Nick Bennett Battle of Britain BY: Matt Polky & Nick Bennett
Where and When The first convoy attacked on July 10th, 1940. Was a three month battle fought over the skies of Britain. Britain was divided up into 4 groups most of the fighting took place over the 11th group on southern part of the island
This is an image of group 11 which was the area of Brittan that the German attacks focused on. Fighter Command are marked in red and Sector Stations marked in blue.
Who was involved Britain’s RAF had 640 fighters On the German side Luftwaffe had 2600 bombers and fighters Germans outnumbered the British 4500 to 2900
What Significant Events Took Place During one of the night bombings some aircraft bombed civilian areas of London which Hitler specifically banned. This made British fight on and not surrender. In reply the British bombed Berlin.
Cause and Effects Cause: Britain had been providing troops to other countries in the war so the next stop on Hitler’s campaign of European dominance was Great Britain. Effect: Winston Churchill summed up the effect of the battle and the contribution of the RAF in the immortal words: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" (speech to the House of Commons on August 20 1940). Pilots who fought in the battle have been known as The Few ever since.
War Veteran Interview Daniel Edward Burress said: When he and his fellow soldiers were fighting on the battlefield race was unimportant the enemy didn’t care whether you were black or white they’d still kill you. But when they got back to camp there was a lot of racial discrimination. After Martin Luther King Jr. Died he felt like he was fighting for someone else’s freedom and not his own. It was the beginning of propaganda. On his last night in Vietnam he and a fellow soldier were so glad to be leaving that they shared a 30 dollar bottle of whiskey with each other and didn’t care what color each other was.
What Did We Not Understand Why the sound would not work on the Veterans History Project Site