Class of 2025 Scheduling and Information 2018-2019
Welcome Class of 2025 Parents Administration Diane Tucceri-Principal Sally Stukuls- Assistant Principal Greg Picariello-School Counselor 6-9
Have a STRONG middle school experience Prepare your child for today and the future Support your child’s independence and encourage them to take risks and self advocate Be supportive but do not enable Remember to help your child balance their interests with their academic and extra curricular schedules Develop lifelong skills Expose yourself to a wide range of ideas
What You’ll Need For Scheduling Internet Access Scheduling Letter Program of Studies Student Login Info
Before you enter requests… Read your scheduling letter for elective choices Use the middle school 2018-2019 program of studies for a description of elective choices located on the website (
Program of Studies
Grade 6 Courses that will be added FOR YOU: English 6 Science 6 Social Studies 6 Math (will be added after placement tests and data analysis) Music 6 (every other day, 1 semester) Reading (every other day, 1 semester) PE (every other day, full year) QUEST Block
6th Grade QUEST BLOCK- - Quest block is a required 6th grade transition course that is designed to meet the needs of all students at all levels. General elective choices (choose 2 and 2 alt): Band Jazz Band Chorus Lego Mindstorm Robotics Intro to Spanish Art
Special Education Services Special Education Services will be automatically scheduled, per the student's IEP Academic Support will occur during a non-core academic class Intensive Language Arts will occur in place of an elective Tahanto's Special Education Coordinator, Jannel Fitzpatrick, is the point of contact for concerns with scheduling of special education services
Step 1: Log into PowerSchool Go to: Click on Select a School, select “Tahanto Regional Middle/High School” Click on “For Students” then select PowerSchool Login Click on PowerSchool Login page The PowerSchool Window will open User name will be: 2025jsmith (year of grad, first initial, last name) Initial password: stags2 Please see web page for instructions on changing your password
Step 2: Click on Class Registration from the left-hand menu
Step 3: What you will see You will see the required courses already entered for you at the top of the registration screen – Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, etc . When a choice is needed you will see a red exclamation point. When you have completed a request you will see a green check mark.
Step 4: Choose your electives Please choose 2 general electives and 2 “alternate” electives in case your first choices are not available. DO NOT repeat an elective as it affects our ability to schedule students Make sure that you click the next arrow to see the various elective screens Hit “submit” when you’re done or it won’t save!
Review Find the PowerSchool Login on Tahanto’s Home Page Login with appropriate username and password Add Elective Requests Click Submit
Contact Mr. Picariello, School Counselor Review cont. All requests will be run through the scheduler not all requests can be met for all students Questions or concerns? Contact Mr. Picariello, School Counselor
Health Office Information Please make sure you have the two hand-outs provided by the school nurse Attendance: PARENTS MUST CALL THEIR CHILDREN IN SICK TO THE SCHOOL NURSE. ABSENCES ARE ONLY EXCUSED USING A WRITTEN PARENTAL EXCUSAL (2 PER SEM.) OR FROM A DOCTOR
Extracurricular Activities Clubs Advisory Athletics
6th Grade Orientation Hosted by High School Student Council *Optional, not required* *Parents must pick-up/drop-off* *please RSVP for head count* Will allow students to: 1. Assign and practice using lockers 2. Review schedules, get tours of building 3. Ask upperclassmen questions and learn about resources, such as busses, lunch line, guidance department, etc. 4. Meet teachers, upperclassmen, and other school personnel 5. Meet new peers from the other town via ice-breaker activities
Frequently Asked Questions? Schedules/Supply information (July) School Visits Discipline Attendance/Tardies Cell phone use Dress Code Communication STAAGS PTO/Parent involvement School calendar(July 1st) /attendance QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS