The Altered Past Paradox Time-Travel The Altered Past Paradox
Back to the Future
Back to the Future In BttF I, Marty travels back to 1955 and helps unite his parents. In BttF III, Marty travels back to 1855 and rescues Doc Brown. Marty helps unite his parents (in BttF I) before he rescues Doc Brown (in BttF III). Marty rescues Doc Brown (in 1855) before he helps unites his parents (in 1955).
Back to the Future External time is the series of events as ordered by an objective historian. Personal time is the series of events as experienced by a particular person. A time-traveler is someone whose personal time diverges from real time.
The Grandfather Paradox If time travel were possible, it would be possible to kill your grandfather before your father is conceived. It’s not possible to kill your grandfather before your father is conceived. [So] Time travel isn’t possible.
The Altered Past Paradox If time travel were possible, it would be possible to change the past. It’s not possible to change the past. [So] Time travel isn’t possible.