By: Abby Pfaendtner, Ryan Mazzola, Micah Grier and Zander Sottrel Ernest Rutherford By: Abby Pfaendtner, Ryan Mazzola, Micah Grier and Zander Sottrel
Born: August 30,1871 Died: October 19, 1937 Studied at Cambridge University.
Gold Foil Experimental Design Experiment to study of the scattering of alpha particles What are alpha particles? nuclei of helium atoms Experimental Question: What is the movement pattern in alpha particles at large angles? Rutherford launched Alpha particles at a gold foil, to see if their movement pattern will be more or less prominent than when launched at a metal with a lower atomic number. ex: lead with a higher atomic number than gold, should deflect more particles.
Rutherford's Gold Foil Conclusions He concluded that when alpha particles are launched at a gold foil, that a significant number of particles were deflected at unusually large angles, some even backwards. This proved that metals with a larger atomic number than gold, will more evenly deflect the alpha particles back ,while a lower atomic number will result in a more sporadic deflection.
Rutherford Work Changed the Atomic Model J.J Thomson suggested that the atom did not resemble a “plum pudding” of positively charged nuclear particles with electrons embedded within like raisins. Rutherford disagreed with Thomson and created his new atomic model. Rutherford suggested that the atom consisted of a very small, dense nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons.