Multi-site recordings in Tg4510 mice Liam Scott
7 month male Tg4510 mice show decreased MWM performance and hippocampal cell loss 3 vs. 7 month old Tg4510 male mice show: Area (mm2) Hippocampus: Area (Wildtype for comparison) 3m 7m Data: Yabe, Moore, Roof Data: Kawabe, Klein, Milici
Stimulation of the nPO drives the hippocampal EEG in anesthetized rats and mice 6-seconds NPO Hippo EEG Stimulus 5-HT Hippocampal Formation pcells Median Raphe Glu gaba ACh Medial Septum Nucleus Pontis Oralis (nPO) Supramammilary Bodies (SUM) Adapted from: RP Vertes (2005) Hippocampus 15:923-35 = + = - 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Frequency (Hz) Stim Current (mA) Theta Frequency 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 15.0k 20.0k 25.0k 30.0k 35.0k 40.0k 45.0k 50.0k Theta Power Theta Power (V2) Stim Current (mA)
Determining electrode position using stimulation of nPO
7 month male Tg4510 mice show decreased nPO-evoked hippocampal theta power and total power Peak Frequency Relative Theta Power Theta Power Total Power ** * (*=P<0.05, **=P<0.01, ***=P<0.001 ; unpaired t-test)
Perforant path – dentate gyrus LTP
Determining electrode position using stimulation of perforant path
7 month male Tg4510 mice show reduced amplitude of perforant path-evoked dentate gyrus population spike
7 month male Tg4510 mice show reduced amplitude of perforant path-evoked dentate gyrus population spike
7 month male Tg4510 mice show no change in perforant path - dentate gyrus LTP
control CA-1 DG
Tg CA-1 CA1 population spike DG DG population spike
Summary Stimulated theta No change in theta frequency or relative theta Reduction in theta power and total power PP-DG LTP Reduction in amplitude of evoked population spike No change in LTP due to HFS All observations can be explained by reduction in cell number in hippocampal formation???