Trashketball: Plate Tectonics
Question: What is a mountain that forms when molten rock is forced to the Earth’s surface?
Answer: Volcano
Question: What is a gas-driven explosion that propels magma and small fragments of material?
Answer: Explosive
Question: What is the outpouring of lava without significant explosive eruption?
Answer: Effusive
Question: What causes a volcano to have an effusive eruption?
Answer: High Silica Content
Question: How did the “Ring of Fire” get its name?
Answer: Volcanoes in a ring around the Pacific Ocean (Pacific plate boundary)
Question: Identify the following type of volcano:
Answer: Cinder cone
Question: What kind of eruption comes from a cinder cone volcano?
Answer: Explosive
Question: How are cinder cone volcanoes formed?
Answer: explosive fragments and cinders fall and accumulate around the vent of the volcano
What causes a volcano to have an explosive eruption?
Answer: High water content
Question: What is the difference between magma and lava?
Answer: Magma is molten rock inside the earth, lava is erupted magma (outside the earth)
Question: The most dangerous type of eruption is ______________, because these are very hot and travel very fast.
Answer: Pyroclastic Flow
Question: Identify the following type of volcano:
Answer: Shield Volcano
Question: How does a shield volcano form?
Answer: layers upon layers of solidified lava
Question: What kind of eruption does a shield volcano have?
Answer: Effusive
Question: Identify the following type of volcano:
Answer: Composite
Question: How is a composite volcano formed?
Answer: Alternating layers of effusive lava flows and tephra
How does a composite volcano erupt?
Answer: effusive and explosive
Question: What is a shaking of the ground caused by sudden movement of large blocks of rock along the fault?
Answer: Earthquake
Question: Where do most earthquakes occur?
Answer: On plate boundaries
Question: What is a fracture or break in the Earth’s lithosphere where blocks of rock move past each other?
Answer: Fault
What is the most well-known and active fault in the U.S.?
Answer: San Andreas Fault
Question: What is the point underground where the rock first begins to move?
Answer: Focus
Question: What is the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus?
Answer: Epicenter
Question: What faults are common near boundaries where stress presses rocks together (convergent)?
Answer: Reverse or Thrust Fault
Question: What faults are common near boundaries where tectonic plates are moving apart (divergent)?
Answer: Normal
Question: What faults can occur where plates scrape past each other (transform)?
Answer: Strike Slip fault
Question: What type of fault is the San Andreas Fault?
Answer: Strike Slip Fault
Question: What are vibrations caused by earthquakes?
Answer: Seismic waves
Question: What type of waves move along the Earth’s surface, not through its interior?
Answer: Surface waves
Question: What type of waves are the fastest waves that are the first to reach any particular location after an earthquake?
Answer: Primary Waves
Question: These waves travel at the same time, but at half the speed of Primary waves, therefore these are the second waves to arrive at a particular location after an earthquake:
Answer: Secondary Waves
Question: What is an instrument that constantly records ground movement?
Answer: Seismograph
Question: How does earthquake energy travel?
Answer: outward: up, down, sideways, in all directions!
Question: What are 2 waves volcanoes are constructive?
Answers: Create rich soil expands land
Question: What are 2 ways volcanoes are destructive?
Answers: destroy land, homes, lives creates clouds of ash (breathing problems or environmental issues)
Question: Describe the Lithosphere.
Answer: Includes the crust and part of the upper mantle; this is where the earth’s tectonic plates are.
Question: What type of plate boundary exists when two plates scrape past each other?
Answer: Transform boundary
Question: What type of plate boundary exists when two plates move toward each other?
Answer: Convergent boundary
Question: What type of plate boundary exists when two plates are moving away from each other?
Answer: Divergent boundary
Question: What is subduction?
Answer: One tectonic plate slides beneath another
Question: What is the effect of a transform boundary?
Answer: Earthquake
Question: Mountains and volcanoes are formed at what type of plate boundary?
Answer: Convergent
Question: What is a hot spot?
Answer: An area in earth’s interior where magma rises up in plumes or columns from the mantle
Question: What happens as a result of a divergent boundary?
Answer: Sea floor spreading and rift valleys