GLAST Large Area Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Level Requirement Sell-off Package for LVP83/LPS503 – CCSDS Telecommand Standards Requirement Owner: Rich Baun Approval Date: Approved By: LAT Docs No: LAT-MD-xxxxx
LVP83/LPS503 – CCSDS Telecommand Standards (1 of 2) Requirement: The LAT shall employ the Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems (CCSDS) standard for telemetry and telecommand. Verification Method: D5 Verification Plan: 1) In test cases LAT131 - LAT Config 1 LAT/SC Interface Functional and LAT132 - Config 2 LAT/SC Interface Functional demonstrate the LAT is using the CCSDS standards for command and telemetry by: 1) By issuing CCSDS formatted commands from the VSC to the LAT and verifying with telemetry that those commands execute; and 2) Receiving CCSDS telemetry packets via the VSC from the LAT and decommutating those packets into meaningful telemetry data. 2) In test case LAT141 - LAT Config 1 LAT/SC Interface Functional with the SIIS demonstrate the LAT is using the CCSDS standards for command and telemetry by: 1) By issuing CCSDS formatted commands via the SIIS to the LAT and verifying with telemetry that those commands execute; and 2) Receiving CCSDS telemetry packets via the SIIS from the LAT and decommutating those packets into meaningful telemetry data.
LVP83/LPS503 – CCSDS Telecommand Standards (2 of 2) Test Script Run Info: Worst Case Measured Data: N/A Margin: N/A Test/Analysis Summary: All commands issued from the SIIS and VSC to the LAT executed as expected during the runs for the record of LAT131, LAT132, and LAT141 Analysis Report/Test Report Doc #(s): N/A Compliance Statement: LAT Complies NCRs/JIRAs: None