CCSS: Common Core State Standards and SBAC: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Parent Information Night
English Language Arts (“ELA”) Shifts * English Language Arts (“ELA”) Shifts Math Shifts Informational Text Building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction. Focus Narrow the scope of content and deepen how time and energy is spent. Evidence from Text Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. Coherence Integration across grades & subject areas. Text Complexity Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. Rigor Conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application of skills in problem solving situations. * Must show slide. This slide is a must for any quality PD in communicating the main shifts for the Common Core Standards in ELA and Math. These shifts also apply to Science ELA Literacy Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) – especially in the integration of Literacy across subject areas.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels DOK 1: Recall & Reproduction Recall of a fact, term, principle, concept; perform a routine procedure, locate details DOK 2: Basic Application of Skills/Concepts Use of information, two or more steps with decision points along the way, explain relationships DOK 3: Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning or developing a plan or sequence of steps, requires decision-making or justification DOK 4: Extended Thinking An investigation or application to real world; requires time to research, problem solve, and process multiple conditions; could require synthesis of information across multiple sources and/or disciplines DOKs described in greater detail
Core 8 Math: Rules of Exponents Parents as Students Ms. Ransom Core 8 Math: Rules of Exponents Essential Question: What are several rules of working with exponents and why do they work?
English Language Arts: Parents as Students: Mrs. Meils English Language Arts: 1st task: Identify the main idea and support it with evidence from the article. 2nd task: Write a persuasive paragraph using evidence from the source.
* ELA Claims Claim #1 Reading #2 Writing #3 Speaking and Listening #4 “Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts.” #2 Writing “Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences.” #3 Speaking and Listening “Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.” #4 Research/Inquiry “Students can engage in research and inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.” ELA Claims * Must show slide for ELA. Smarter Balanced (SBAC) has Content Specifications that were developed to guide assessment aligned to the Common Core Standards. The Claims describe skills to be demonstrated by students as aligned to the Common Core Standards. This slide shows the 4 Math Claims. The claims are the statements of what students can do and the evidence needed to show what they can do. The Claims begin on p. 25 in the Content Specifications, with claim 1, Concepts and Procedures. Claim #1 focuses on the CCSS-M Content Standards; the standards we reviewed relevant vocabulary on, a few slides prior. Claims 2 through 4, Problem Solving, Communicating Reasoning, and Modeling and Data Analysis focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practices. Remember, the mathematical practices specify how a student should be engaged mathematically when solving an item or task.
* Math Claims Claim #1 Concepts & Procedures #2 Problem Solving #3 “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” #2 Problem Solving “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” #3 Communicating Reasoning “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” #4 Modeling and Data Analysis “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” Math Claims * Must show slide for Math. Smarter Balanced (SBAC) has Content Specifications that were developed to guide assessment aligned to the Common Core Standards. The Claims describe skills to be demonstrated by students as aligned to the Common Core Standards. This slide shows the 4 Math Claims. The claims are the statements of what students can do and the evidence needed to show what they can do. The Claims begin on p. 25 in the Content Specifications, with claim 1, Concepts and Procedures. Claim #1 focuses on the CCSS-M Content Standards; the standards we reviewed relevant vocabulary on, a few slides prior. Claims 2 through 4, Problem Solving, Communicating Reasoning, and Modeling and Data Analysis focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practices. Remember, the mathematical practices specify how a student should be engaged mathematically when solving an item or task.
“Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium” “SBAC” Six Item Types Selected Response Constructed Response Extended Response Technology-Enabled Technology-Enhanced Performance Tasks To collect evidence about the wide range of assessment targets, Smarter Balanced will use a variety of item and task types. These item and task types fall into six broad categories and include {+} Selected Response items, Constructed Response items, Extended Response items, and Performance Tasks. In addition, there are two categories of technology-rich items and tasks known as Technology-Enabled And Technology-Enhanced. Each of these item and task types will be explored in greater detail in the item and task type modules. But let’s take a brief look at each category now. 8
Selected Response Multiple Correct Options Other selected response items may ask students to select more than one option. As an example, this item asks students to identify all of the properties of a rectangle. 9
Constructed Response Read the passage and complete the task that follows it. What is a School Year? When public schools were first organized, many people lived on farms. They were very busy during warm summer months working on their crops. So the school year was held only during fall, winter, and spring. This allowed farm children to stay home and help their families with the crops during the summer. As time went on, more people moved off of farms into towns. But schools continued to use the traditional model of closing for several months in the summer. Most still use that traditional model. However, more and more schools are shifting to a year- round model in which students attend school all year. Breaks at these schools are shorter but occur more often during the year. So students in both models attend school for about the same amount of time each year. Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 10
Constructed Response PROMPT: Use information from the passage to write an argument about which school year model you think is best —the traditional model or the year-round model. Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 11
Constructed Response Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 12
Constructed Response Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 13
Extended Constructed Response Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 14
Extended Constructed Response Constructed response items prompt students to produce a text or numerical response in order to collect evidence about their knowledge or understanding of a given assessment target. As an example, this item asks students to produce a response that provides evidence about their ability to add and subtract. 15
Technology Enhanced Technology-enabled items {+} use media, such as video, animations, sound, or interactive tools to stimulate an assessment target. {+} Despite the use of these media types, a technology enabled item requires a student to provide either a selected response or a constructed response that consists of text and/or numbers.
Technology Enabled Digital Media Response Types Video Animation Sound Interactive tools Response Types Selected Constructed Technology-enabled items {+} use media, such as video, animations, sound, or interactive tools to stimulate an assessment target. {+} Despite the use of these media types, a technology enabled item requires a student to provide either a selected response or a constructed response that consists of text and/or numbers.
Performance Task Challenge students to apply their knowledge and writing and analytical skills to respond to complex real-world problems. DOK 3 and 4 questions Will assess ability to research and evaluate multiple sources of information, including variety of media Includes Classroom Activity directed by teacher Takes place over two or more sessions Taken on a computer (but will not be computer adaptive) and will take one to two class periods to complete. Completed in all grades and in ELA and Math Technology-enabled items {+} use media, such as video, animations, sound, or interactive tools to stimulate an assessment target. {+} Despite the use of these media types, a technology enabled item requires a student to provide either a selected response or a constructed response that consists of text and/or numbers.
Test Length Estimates Test is untimed but these are estimates of how long it should take. Two major parts: Computer Adaptive & Performance Task Will be spread out across multiple days on each campus. Test Coordinators at each Site have built testing schedule that will ensure optimal performance. Working with Teachers/Test Administrators to ensure understanding Students with IEPs, 504s, English Learners may have supports/accommodations. Some are embedded, some are not. Embedded supports are being enabled now and checked during interim assessments. Breaks allowed. Performance task class activity is brief. Provides students with necessary background knowledge and vocabulary.
Achievement Level Descriptors Four Levels of Proficiency Level 4: Thorough understanding/Standard Exceeded Level 3: Adequate understanding/Standard Met Level 2: Partial understanding/Standard Nearly Met Level 1: Minimal understanding/Standard Not Met Complies with NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Proficiency levels are set high Can’t be compared to CST by law Test is untimed but these are estimates of how long it should take. Two major parts: Computer Adaptive & Performance Task Will be spread out across multiple days on each campus. Test Coordinators at each Site have built testing schedule that will ensure optimal performance. Working with Teachers/Test Administrators to ensure understanding Students with IEPs, 504s, English Learners may have supports/accommodations. Some are embedded, some are not. Embedded supports are being enabled now and checked during interim assessments. Breaks allowed. Performance task class activity is brief. Provides students with necessary background knowledge and vocabulary.
Sample SBAC Student Report Test is untimed but these are estimates of how long it should take. Two major parts: Computer Adaptive & Performance Task Will be spread out across multiple days on each campus. Test Coordinators at each Site have built testing schedule that will ensure optimal performance. Working with Teachers/Test Administrators to ensure understanding Students with IEPs, 504s, English Learners may have supports/accommodations. Some are embedded, some are not. Embedded supports are being enabled now and checked during interim assessments. Breaks allowed. Performance task class activity is brief. Provides students with necessary background knowledge and vocabulary.
Sample SBAC Student Report Test is untimed but these are estimates of how long it should take. Two major parts: Computer Adaptive & Performance Task Will be spread out across multiple days on each campus. Test Coordinators at each Site have built testing schedule that will ensure optimal performance. Working with Teachers/Test Administrators to ensure understanding Students with IEPs, 504s, English Learners may have supports/accommodations. Some are embedded, some are not. Embedded supports are being enabled now and checked during interim assessments. Breaks allowed. Performance task class activity is brief. Provides students with necessary background knowledge and vocabulary.
Links Math Homework Support (CMP): How you Can Help in Math and Literacy: Practice SBAC: Discussion Board and Resources for Secondary Math 6-12: