Tuesday, February 13th Day 1
Abigail SK Kendra JK Nicholas 7 Rianna 3
In the Gym NB #1 Jr. Girls BBall Tryouts NB #2 After School Senior Girls Basketball Practice Sr Boys basketball practice After School .
Indoor Track Practice Wed. NB #1
Table Tennis Club Information Meeting. If you signed up for After School Table Tennis, meet with Mr. Hua during Nutrition Break 1 at 10:50am in his room for an information meeting and training session.
In the Music Room NB #1 NB #2 After School Vocal ensemble...don’t forget your music if you took your copy last rehearsal! NB #2 Closed After School .
Monday Feb 12 and Tuesday Feb 13 BUY one for yourself or/and a friend Sweet Treat for Sale Monday Feb 12 and Tuesday Feb 13 BUY one for yourself or/and a friend COST: 2 for $1.00 Where: In the Library Who: First Break Primary Students Second Break Jr/Int Students
Winona Leaders Please meet FIRST BREAK and second break in the Learning Resource Room today to sell candy!!
Please donate to the Good Sheppard! Justin & Jevyn are collecting for Good Sheppard on behalf of their Basketball Team NYB. The collections box is located in the Office. Please donate the following: Non-Perishable Food Items Winter Clothing (gently used) Household Items (Tissue, Cleaners, Toothpaste, etc...)
Today is Sub Day
These pictograms are for what type of events? Can you name the sport?
Skating These pictograms are for what type of events? Can you name the sport? Skating
Have a special day, Winona