Chapter 6 More Right Triangles


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6 More Right Triangles Students will continue to study the similarity and side ratio relationships of right triangles. Students will understand more properties of special right triangles.

Students will extend their understanding of previously learned topics. Sections 6.2 Students will extend their understanding of previously learned topics.

Portfolio Section This entire section is problems that summarize and culminate previous information for the previous chapter What you will need for each section What we do in class written neat and organized, making sure you answer the questions – rewrite to hand in The continuation problem form the book or other sections – showing all work that supports answers Answer the following questions (may add questions from the book) What past ideas did you use? What new ideas did you use? What was easy or difficult? Explain. What would you change about this problem?

How can I model it: The Tennis Problem Section 6.2.1 How can I model it: The Tennis Problem Students will use properties of triangles to solve problems related to tennis. Students will use similar triangles to help solve for sides and trig rations to help solve for angles.

Group work 6-48 Read through this problem What do you know? What are you trying to find? How would you get started? In order to really solve this look at the next 2 sections 6-49 Draw a picture of the top view – label what you know Think of where she is serving from and where the ball is going to hit What do you notice? Can you do any calculations

Continues work 6-50 Draw a side view – label what you know What are you going to use from the first problem to do the second What do you notice Answers to this problem Ball must be at least 8.57 feet in the air and angles is between 7.5 and 8.1 depending on where the server stands 6-51 Additional information – this is possible if you take into account her height, arm length, racquet length and jumping

Portfolio What you should have from in class part 1 Picture of top view and calculations for hypotenuse of triangle and distance to net Pythagorean thrm Similar Triangle proportions Picture of side view and calculations of height of ball and angle it hits ground Similar Triangles proportions Trig ratios 3. Answer original 3 questions what is height of ball what is angle with ground can she actually hit the ball

Continuation Addition to portfolio 6-52 – what is the new height of the net What do you know? What do you need to find? What can you use from the previous problem to do this problem?

What relationship can I use: Angles in a pool table Section 6.2.2 What relationship can I use: Angles in a pool table Students will use angle properties to determine how to hit balls on a pool table (Triangles).

Angles in a Game of Pool Incoming angle Angle the ball approaches the rail, angle between rail and path Outgoing angle angle the ball leaves the rail, angle between the rail and the path These angles are congruent Try worksheet using these angles What can you tell about the triangles that are formed

Group Work 6-59 pg 341 Each group get a paper with the pool table on it from front table Get a box from the back table has protractors Label what you know What are they asking you to do Use what we talked about on the worksheet to help with this problem What did you notice about the triangles formed and the angles, how can you use this

If time Work through 6-61

Portfolio Picture of the pool table with dimensions labeled Directions on how you determined where to hit the ball to get it to go into the pocket mark Any calculations you used to get these answers Similar triangles Trig Ratios

Continuation 6-60 Additional pool table problems Use similar triangles to help predict shots Copies of these pool tables are on the website

What is the shortest distance Section 6.2.3 What is the shortest distance

Group Work 6-68 What are key ideas you learned and used

Portfolio Picture of original set up How did you use the picture to get ideas of distance What lengths did your group come up with What was the shortest distance you created 2. New picture Similar triangles Set up and solve proportion 3. How does this compare to original guess

Continuation 6-70 Think outside the box You can’t take a shortcut through either object Think of the net of the figure Do I need to stay on the edges?

How can I analyze it to make a decision Section 6.2.6 How can I analyze it to make a decision

Group Work 6-97 pg 357 Read through the problem What do you think Lee should do and explain your answer 6-98 Do this experiment and come up with the data Sheet on back table to collect data for group

Data Gathered Win by keeping door Win by changing door

Portfolio What was your original guess and explain Groups data from game Classes data from game

Continuation Pg 358 6-99 What does the data tell you explain Explain why it is better to switch Next problem with 4 doors

Due date Portfolio will be discuss in class on Mon 19th/Tues 20th and can be handed in Will be due no later than Wed 21st/Thurs 22nd Days and dates per class period