General Spouse/Partner Program November 22, 2010
Spouse/Partner Program Staff Planning and Outreach Coordinator Staff Associate Liaison Judy Ingle, consultant and former presidential spouse Works with the Spouse/Partner Planning Committee and AASCU staff to develop program and discussion sessions for Annual Meeting and Summer Council Provides individual counseling, advice and mentoring to spouses/partners as needed. Serves as resource in assessing the value and feasibility of projects and services Standing member on strategic planning group tasked with developing and supporting exemplary institutional leadership Facilitates the engagement of spouses/partners in the AASCU network and especially of new presidential spouses/partners via targeted outreach Alex Wood, AASCU staff Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Spouse/Partner Program Provide staff assistance to all entities of the program Partners with AASCU meetings office on meeting logistics and handles on-site meeting arrangements Supports the Spouse/Partner Planning Committee and Nominations Task Force—including taking minutes and keeping records Provides administrative support to the Liaison Serves as the communication nexus among various program elements Manages spouse/partner data Produces annual directory Is the link to the AASCU office Mickey Howard, Presidential Spouse Serves as spokesperson for the collective concerns and advocates for interests of presidential spouses/partners Advises President and Spouse/Partner Planning Committee on the interests and needs of spouses/partners, with a special focus on male spouses/partners Develops a national initiative to engage member campuses Performs First Spouse role Serves as ex officio member of the Spouse/Partner Planning Committee 11/23/2018
Committees Spouse/Partner Planning Committee Spouse/Partner Nominations Task Force 13 members 10 elected members (2 year terms) 50% rotate off each year 3 ex-officio (ongoing terms) Planning Coordinator Liaison Spouse/Partner (if applicable) of the Chair of the AASCU Board In person meetings twice a year at AASCU’s meetings Conference calls 3-5 times throughout the year Plans spouse/partner conference sessions with a focus on content 7 members All elected (2 year terms) 3-4 rotate off each year Self perpetuating Meets (in person or via conference call) once a year each summer Gathers nominations from the AASCU spouse/partner network to fill vacancies on the Planning Committee and the Task Force Uses nominations to create a slate for the spouse/partner membership to ratify 11/23/2018
Spouse/Partner Planning Committee 13 members 10 elected (2 year terms)→50% rotate off each year Chair and Co-Chair (selected from those beginning their 2nd year of service) Voting members 3 ex-officio (ongoing) (non-voting member) Planning Coordinator Liaison to the Spouse/Partner Program Spouse/Partner (if applicable) of Chair of the AASCU Board Chair Co-Chair Member Ex-officio Members 2 year term (1 as a member and 1 as Chair) Selected from among members entering 2nd year of service by the Nominations Task Force Convenes meetings and conference calls Sends letters and other messages with input and approval to members Consults with AASCU staff on matters pertaining to the Committee and the spouse/partner program 2 year term (1 as a member and 1 as Co-Chair) Term on Committee expires after service as Co-Chair; does not become chair Performs duties of the Chair as needed Selected from among members entering their 2nd year of service by the Nominations Task Force 2 year term Provides thought leadership for conference sessions and program services Serves as advisor to AASCU staff on the needs of presidential spouses/partners Assists in the facilitation and success of conference sessions Attend all meetings; offer thoughts, insights and ideas. Non-voting member Spouse/Partner of AASCU Board Chair If applicable, a courtesy invitation is extended to serve on the Planning Committee 1 year term Serves as Ex-officio member. 11/23/2018
Presidents/Chancellors Spouses/Partners AASCU Strategic Plan Develop and Support Exemplary Presidential and Institutional Leadership: Provide support and professional development programs responsive to the needs of presidents, chancellors and their spouses/partners and other senior institutional and system leaders. Presidents/Chancellors Spouses/Partners 11/23/2018