UNSD-DFID Project on National Development Indicators Looking forward to Post-2015 / SDGs Case of Morocco Country Director’s Meeting New York, 15-17 October 2014 Mohamed SALIMI Head of Division, General Statistics Directorate of Statistics High Commission of Planning
Outline Context National debate on Post 2015 agenda Potential benefits of a new project of dissemination of SDGs SDGs: New needs/new requirements
Context 1/2 International debate on development and its measure: Morocco is one of the proactive countries in this field last years. (In 2000 for MDGs, in 2010 contributed to the report of the UN SG on MDGs and after to contribute to the global debate on the future of MDGs The issue of measuring development in general and setting up different indexes of development in particular is an controversial issue among countries, continents, organizations, etc. Morocco has a great background and experience in measuring achievements of development programs (the last is National Initiative for Human Development launched in 2005)
Context 2/2 Achievements in the current project UNSD-DFID as a strong base for the future A strong NSS, focused on HCP with an important IT and statistical capacity to continue the work already done for MDGs A website dedicated to MDGS and Human Development in Morocco in general A national committee on MDGs leaded by HCP to prepare the reports on MDGs (2003,2005, 2007, 2009 and 2012 to be published) In 2013/2014 , Regional committees on MDGs to elaborate regional reports for selected regions of Morocco.
National debate on Post 2015 agenda The national debate on development priorities for post 2015 was implemented under the responsibility of the Ministry of General and Economic affairs and Governance in collaboration with UN system in Morocco since February 2013. A total of 15 consultations/focus group was hold to collect priorities of development from different and various components of Moroccan society. As output we have the report of UNS in Morocco www.worldwewant2015.org/Morocco/2015 National report ready but not yet published.
Potential benefits of a new project of dissemination of SDGs To consecrate the outputs of the UNSD-DFID project in both statistic and IT field./Sustainability. To find a new solutions for a new coming issues regarding IT aspects and the mastering of the technology behind. To work with the other part of NSSs to implement step by step mechanisms of data and metadata exchange with SDMX or another similar tool in order to promote the culture of automatic exchanging within LM. Technical assistance to held national workshops on metadata with line ministries.
SDGs: New needs/new requirements 1/2 To achieve the planned action for the first project (metadata handbook, the expansion of list of MDGs exchanged, technical workshops with line ministries on metadata, etc.) Prepare methodologies for new surveys More assessment of quality and use of administrative data to face the big need of various thematic information Implementation of thematic working groups on data and metadata on SDGs
SDGs: New needs/New requirements 2/2 As for MDGs, to think to insure the visibility of future SDGs. To reinforce the national coordination sine qua none condition for the success of the project To benefit from other different various project on data dissemination (Open Data portal, Open Data, etc.) and integrate data on SDGs in our human development dedicated website. Good governance of the statistical budget in order to make priorities
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