WESTAR PSD New Framework March 31 – April 1 Meeting in Seattle
Overview Review of guiding principles Discussion of 3 major topic area: Protecting AQRVs Determining and protecting increment in Class II areas Baseline emissions and inventory issues Synthesis and next steps
Attendees Nearly all states EPA NPS for FLMs WESTAR staff and contractor
Issue Mapping Procedure used for all topic areas Develop action plan Brainstorm and record – questions, questions, questions Categorization Organization Develop action plan
Categories of Issues Methods, analysis and goals Roles Program design Implementation approach – cap & trade Resources Political feasibility Impacts on sources/equity Environmental benefits/impacts
Major Themes Class I area AQRVs Class II/III area Effects based AQRV protection (e.g., critical loads) Class II/III area 2 options Change focus from short-term to annual Alternative without increments Approach dependent on outcome of Class I process
Major Themes Baseline emissions inventory improvement 2 options Secure, stable baseline inventories Reset baseline dates
Caveats Process for defining specifics for new frameworks will take at least 18 months Follow-through is essential Time the roll-out to assure positive outcome
Next Steps Does the Board want to go forward with implementing the initiative? Staff and monetary resources Partnering and cost-sharing