Learning Objectives TOPIC: Independent Research Project LESSON TITLE: Check Point COMPETENCY FOCUS: Research (I1): you will develop your skills in primary and secondary research through the production of your research rationale. [IB Learner Profile Development: Thinkers] Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, you should be able to… LO1) Identify a theme for the independent project LO2) Apply theory to your project proposal form. SMSC: You will assess the organisational culture of businesses in terms of fundamental structure, purpose and strategy development. CRITICAL THINKING KEY: Knowledge Application Analysis Evaluation
IB Diploma Business & Management Course Overview (H/L) PAPER 1 PAPER 2 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (PROJECT) Focuses on… All 6 topics Any topic area Assessment Objs 1-7 1-6 Content Pre-seen Case-study Section A (H/S) Answer 2 out of 3 questions Section B (H/S) One compulsory question Section C (H only) Section A One of two questions Section B Answer two out of three questions Research Project Address a real business issue A working report (max 2000 words) Total Marks 80marks 75marks 25marks Time 2 ½ hrs 2 ¼ hrs 30hrs Weighting 40% 35% 25%
IB Diploma Business & Management Course Overview (S/L) PAPER 1 PAPER 2 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (PROJECT) Focuses on… All 5 topics Any topic area Assessment Objs 1-6 Content Pre-seen Case-study Section A (H/S) Answer 2 out of 3 questions Section B (H/S) One compulsory question Section A One of two questions Section B Answer two out of three questions Research Project Written commentary based on 3 to 5 supporting documents about a real issue that a real business is experiencing. (max 1500 words) Total Marks 50marks 60marks 25marks Time 1 ¼ hrs 1 ¾ hrs 15hrs Weighting 35% 40% 25%
Focus Company/Theme Have we all chosen a focus company & theme/problem?
Format: Research Proposal Research question Theoretical Framework Methodology Anticipated difficulties Action Plan
Format: Research Project Title page Acknowledgments Contents page Executive Summary (Abstract) Introduction Research question Procedure/method Main results/findings Analysis/discussion Conclusions/recommendations Bibliography/references Appendices
Milestone Deadlines Milestone 1: All research to have been conducted (primary & secondary)
1:2:1 Progress Review Meeting
Reflection Reflect on what you now have to complete with your project. Set yourself an action plan. Assess the advantages and drawbacks of firms organizing their employees
Extended Essay Question Assess the advantages and drawbacks of firms organizing their employees using a hierarchical structure. (Plan = 30mins, Essay= 2hrs (Incl. research))